Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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As an employee you are entitled to some basic benefits like leaves, insurance etc that any other employee enjoys. Plus, there are some added benefits exclusive to TCS employees.

1. Leaves. It looks like one of the most important thing to check while joining an organization. All employees are entitled to 7 Casual Leaves, 10 Sick Leaves, 2 Flexi Leaves (to be taken during festivals) and 16 Earned Leaves every year. Also, women employees receive three months of maternity leave twice.

2. Insurance. Probably the most important of all. You are entitled to receive upto 6,000 rupees for medical bills nad up to 2,00,000 rupees for hospitalization.


3. Job Security. The job security stands out ot be one of the best in the IT industry which attracts many senior employees to join TCS. Firing is very rare and your job is almost stable unless you violate any HR or company policy.

4. Onsite Opportunities. If your luck is good and the project is free of politics, you might get a chance to go onsite and stay there for a while. It is considered to be one of the perks working in service companies like TCS.

5. Guaranteed Salary. I realized the importance of this more during Covid times. TCS always pay its employees duly on the last working day of the month. Many companies are struggling to pay its employees right now but TCS is always punctual with the payment.

6. Learning Oportunities. Recently TCS has collaborated with Udemy and LinkedIn. So most of their courses can be taken by employees free of cost. This is one of the things I am going to miss when I leave TCS. You can really utilize Udemy to learn and grow during your spare time and skill-up.


7. Brand Image. TCS is recognized by the society. People treat you with respect when they hear you work at TCS and for Tata.

8. Corporate Discounts. Another cool perk for TCS employees is the multiple discounts they enjoy since TATA brand is spread across all sectors. You get discounts on medicines, Starbucks coffee, hotels, restaurants, flight tickets, electronic items, air conditioners, and while purchasing cars.


9. Library. If you wish to study some books or if you are in bench and wish to study anything related to IT or maybe prepare for your higher studies, you can come to the library and study.

10. Subsidized food rates. TCS canteens are not free of cost but the food rates are extremely subsidized and quite affordable.

11. Holiday Homes. TCS has tie up with hotels all over the country at popular tourist spots like Lonavala, Puri, Goa, Panchgani, Munnar etc. Employee and their famly members can avail completely free stay (except for food) at any of these holiday homes.


12. Support for Higher Education. TCS encourages its employees to pursue Masters at colleges that have tie up with TCS. On completion of their degree, they can resume working at TCS in a revised role that fits appropriately for the employee.

by Expert (111,330 points)
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60 Work-30 Life-10 Acads

This balance works for me. I work in a typical agile BI project settings with major sprints and BAU (business as usual) works.

Work - Starts around 8:30 am and ends around 10:30 pm (it includes 4 hours of home-job-home commute)

Life - Most weekends (Sat-Sun) are 60% family time and 40% me-time. (Unless its a go-live weekend)

Acads - Academic related passion,interests are taken out from work/life timing.

Family emergency takes priority. Our project has a dedicated whatsapp group to stay connected outside office or broadcasting out planned/unplanned leave notice.

Credits : Anonymous.
by Expert (111,330 points)
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My self (Rohith) joined TCS in the mid of 2019 as fresher. I got into TCS through NQT 2018 and xplore training program followed by. Being an electronics and communication engineer not being much familiar with computer concepts but just managed with programming languages like c and Java (during interviews). Later I learned few other programming languages and latest technologies during my online training period (xplore) after getting placed.

After joining,

I had undergone on premises training (ILP) just for a very less period of time probably a week or so. We brushed up what we learned in xplore training before joining. Later we were asked to to clear test which was pretty easy. After clearing the test we were asked to report to management group (RMG) for project allocation. Present, majority of the MNCs has huge intake so freshman has to wait for a fair long time for alocation of project. Meanwhile we were getting habituated to the software environment and their culture. I was alocated within two weeks into a local project (Indian). There started my journey of being a database developer. I am currently working on SQL and Oracle database. Some projects had a time constraints of 9 working hours per day manditory, few don't have such limitations. And same happens with dress code. The environment in the projects were pretty good and workable. Many of the freshman can find free time during the beginning stages of your work in project. One who uses this free time can Excel soon.

Coming to salaries, I was into TCS with a package of 3.36 lpa where you probably get 21 to 26k per month depending on your PF, health insurance scheme, etc. one better suggestion is to use this amount investing on yourself doing some certifications. I started working on cloud certifications on my own and you are provided with great learning platforms in TCS.
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I would like to share my 1 year journey at TCS ….

I completed 3 months ILP(training) at Ahmadabad which were awesome days of my life.

But when you come to actual work location real journey starts. You will get different domains when you will get details about base location. Most of the time your journey is based on these domains and the project you get. There is wide difference between every TCSer’s life at TCS .

Now how does it feels?

  • You will get reorganization in relatives, society etc. and everyone will be impressed with you because of brand name.
  • You will get facilities and perks like insurance , travel allowance etc.
  • For freshers work pressure is not much. You can expect this relaxation for about 6 months to 1 year depending on your project.
  • Opportunity to interact with foreign clients (if assigned to such project). Also you will get to know so many things about business process.
  • The HR policies are good, they will always try to know your concerns and will always try to keep you satisfied at work.
  • Free coffee and food at subsidized rate at canteen.
  • There is transparency in almost every work happening here, like appraisal.
  • You can learn new technologies, programming languages etc on internal quiz portal. There is huge platform which is kind of internal facebook called knome.
  • You will be doing lot of social work under CSR programs. Also they will promote activities related to social service, security, fitness .
  • Many senior managers will not actually be senior in age. You will be quite friendly with them.

Well not everything is best in TCS , the main drawback is some people can be on bench for months and even if they are allocated to project getting work to do is challenge (depending on role).

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Astonishing, I would say. Me being a fresher landed into a project at my hometown (Jamshedpur) by fluke. Like we say what happens, happens for the best. I was the happiest person when I thought of working in an IT giant like TCS, that too in my hometown, that too my hometown being Jamshedpur (In TCS Jamshedpur, there are only 30 associates. It's the smallest office of TCS.) The very first day made me, even more, happier. All the associates are having an experience of more than 5 years BUT (in capital letters) they are so friendly and helpful, I cannot elaborate over here. Some lucrative benefits which I enjoy being at TCS Jamshedpur are-

1. Time flexibilities. ( I cannot actually disclose it here. If your curiosity is killing you, kindly drop a message, I will let you know :D :P I hope you get it :D You can never get this benefit in other TCS office or any other office :D )

2. No work pressure at all.

3. Awe-Inspiring team members.

4. No Canteen, They get you the food you want to eat at subsidized rates.

5. Lots of Maitree events, so lots of GEMS ( Gems are in reward given to the employees of TCS )

6. Lots of CSR activities. We do it on weekdays too. Being the smallest TCS office, TCS Jamshedpur office has been ranked 1 from the last three years in Maitree events and CSR activities.

7. Client side exposure. (We provide support to clients (Tata Steel, Tata Tinplate, Tata Timken, etc )

8. Ample opportunities to learn new technologies. we are a team of 8 members and there are 4 technologies. ( Microsoft, Oracle, IBM Lotus notes, Citrix). One can excel in any one of these and make great career ahead.

9. Lots and lots of free time. You can prepare for your Post graduation easily and get into the best colleges. You can devote time to your hobbies, if you have any, else you can spend quality time with your family.

10. Quora is accessible :D Writing this answer sitting in my cubicle :P

Before SIX months.

When I was coming to TCS Jamshedpur, I was told by many of my friends, that growth won't be there, you won't get opportunities for good projects. You will get bored on weekends. You won't have a happening life like the ones working in metro cities will have.

Present Situation.

I am happy, they are not. Someone is upset not getting leaves, someone is having a fight with lead or manager. Some are irritated by the monotonous work he is doing. Some are having accommodation problems and a lot more.
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I have been working in Tcs for around 2 years ,work life balence is purely based on your project but in Tcs 95 percent of projects you can find work is moderate to low . People mostly spend around 8 to 9 hrs time in office ,you can even find people who spends only 5 to 6 hrs in office . If you are not after bands and onsites you will feel it like heaven in the world because no one Asks you any thing even if you are not doing anywork . There are very few development projects where you can hardly find extended working hours .
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Life at TCS is actually relaxing . I wake up at 8 and complete my daily schedule by 9 with breakfast . Office is at walking distance from my flat since I am new to the city I prefer to take resident near by office .

Reach office around 9:15 , then first lil gossip and back to work then at 1 it's lunch for an hour ,then after lunch mostly I try to finish my work and at 4:30 a tiny break for coffee or masala bhel .I love this time because it is less pressure then for an hour I stay there and leave office by 5:45 and back to home at 6 .

So here it is my 9-6 job completes which I thoroughly enjoy till now . But I don't want to live in my comfort zone so I will switch soon .