Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Web-Development by Expert (108,100 points) | 4,902 views

2 Answers

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Adding to the resources this blog.

by Expert (500 points)
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1)HTML and CSS - Basics -
2)HTML and CSS - Intermediate -
3)HTML and CSS Projects - Intermediate - (useful for gaining confidence)
4)HTML and CSS Projects - Intermediate -
(useful for gaining confidence)
5)Javascript - Basics -
6)Javascript and DOM - Intermediate -
7)Javascript - Advanced -
8)Critical rendering path - Advanced - ( highly important)
9)Javascript - Advanced -
10)Machine coding - Advanced - ( Highly important)
11)Browser Rendering- Advanced -
12)ReactJs - Begineer -
13)ReactJs - Advanced - ( Official reactjs documentation )
14)React fiber - Advanced - ( very important)
15)Practice at :
16)Practice #css at : ( Highly useful to master css)
17)All in one doc : ( Contains everything)

by Expert (108,100 points)

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