Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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3 Answers

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  • Buy a book (or find a good one for free online but with copyright, Authors works hard and they do books for a reason), read it, do all the code on your computer and then go to coderbyte and try to solve all the problems with what you have learnt.
  • Install NodeJS and write your code in the console, you can use Google Chrome web developer tools for this reason but having a console makes me feel more comfortable.
  • Learn all the keystrokes and put some steroids on your text editor, I recommend Sublime Text, but you can use any one you like.
  • Review your code, try to find a better solution. Think in terms of Big O.
  • Never stop solving problems, by problems I mean logic/mathematic problems. The best way to learn a language is to put it in practice (coding) everyday. Eventually you will find yourself looking at the language documentation and doing the right thing.
  • Take one step at a time, don't try to understand everything at the first sight. There are some concepts like closures in JS that will take you several times to understand.
  • Keep active in forums and only ask questions when you cannot find the solution googling or looking at the language documentation.
  • Subscribe for a JS newsletter or JS group or just follow Quora/Stackoverflow.
  • Find somebody in your area or online (maybe a work) and ask that person if she/he can be your mentor (of course this person has to be a JS developer), it doesn't matter if this person is not a JS Guru what you need is somebody that has the same interest on learning. Learning together is more fun than learning alone that's why people use social networks for learning (here, Stackoverflow).
  • Keep reviewing some computer science basic topics like hash, linked-lists, mapping, binary trees...
  • When you get stuck with the language take your dog for a walk (this solve everything) and if you don't have a dog get one it will help you a lot (I use to explain my code to my friend's dog when I do code, I don't have a rubber duck).
  • Have a notebook and a pen with you so you can make notes about functions, algorithms, workarounds. (You can use Evernote for this reason too but I just like to write down).
  • Have a goal in mind, find a situation where you force yourself to write an app or software, I learnt AngularJS doing a web app to storage my weekly laundry so I could tell when it was the right time to do the laundry. The point is you need to find a project to do just for fun and you will eventually learning cool stuff.
  • JavaScript is a tough language because it will let you do anything with it and it will never complain back to you. That's why there are good a bad programmers in JS because is a very flexible language.
  • Enjoy what you do, you will love programming in JS. (you will hate some parts though).
  • Never forget every web browser has a different JS interpreter so try to go with the most implemented functions (better safe than sorry). There a polyfills (workarounds) you can use to make JS functions cross-browser.
by Expert (138,580 points)
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Before learning any new language first master the basics of it which you can easily learn from various sites mentioned below,and once you have learned it then as practice makes perfect , do enough practice on it otherwise there are so many functions which you can easily forget

  1. Free Code Camp (Learn to code and help nonprofits)
  2. Team Treehouse (Learn Web Design, Web Development, and More | Treehouse)
  3. Codewars (Codewars: Train your coding skills)
  4. CodeCloud (
  5. TheCodePlayer (Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)
  6. Javascript by Douglas Crockford (Douglas Crockford's Javascript)
  7. Udacity (JavaScript Basics for Beginners Course)
  8. w3school(consists of varous programming languages)
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Best free resources  : 








Cheatsheet for Javascript :

Best ever book on Javascript till date : 


RoadMap : 

  1. Learn how to declare JS variables
  2. Learn basic variable types (number, string, array, and objects)
  3. Learn Control Flow (if/else if/else, switch)
  4. Learn basic loops (while, for)
  5. Learn how to create and call basic functions.
  6. Learn selectors(querySelector/ getElementBy)
  7. Learn a bit more about objects, and start to understand how the DOM is made up of objects. It's important to note that you don't need to know this in depth at this point.
  8. Mess with CSS using JavaScript. This is a great time to learn Javascript timing functions (setTimeout, setInterval)
  9. Pick up JQuery for awhile. Profess that it's easier to learn to all your colleagues, write a bunch of small one off applications using an inordinate and unruly amount of code.
  10. Try to learn how to do JQuery things in pure Javascript. Become frustrated at node methods and learn the difference between node arrays and node lists.
  11. At some point get the hang of Javascript. Write everything in JavaScript, announce to all your colleagues that Javascript is better than JQuery, and then, later, stumble into compatibility issues with older browsers.
  12. Fall back to JQuery for a bit. Then decide to write your own polyfills in JavaScript. Eventually realize this is taking forever and look for minimalistic libraries.
  13. Start to learn intermediate concepts like closures and prototypical inheritance in the DOM.(i mean really understand it, not like when you were messing with css back in the day.)
  14. Realize the importance of, and learn, architectural patterns like modules and event delegation. End up searching through piles of documentation on MVC getting more and more confused on what the latest trend in architectural frameworks is.
  15. Mess around with different frameworks. Find out about this thing called Node and how it makes Javascript server side
  16. Download Node. Follow old tutorials, become super frustrated they don't work because they're two months out of date. Buy a book/somehow find a relevant article.
  17. Work within the confines of the tutorial and book/ get overwhelmed at the differences between node JS and the JS you've been coding for forever.
  18. Before really solidifying your knowledge of node, download 100s of libraries to make a chat program using express and http://socket.IO
  19. Feel super accomplished. Memorize how to make a node server. Start to look into build tools and templating
  20. Realize that the currently trending build tools differ depending on where you look. Try out Grunt/Gulp/Webpack and become annoyed at the incredibly convoluted setup.
  21. Get pissed that you have to download a billion abstract libraries that require other libraries that require other libraries and so on ad infinitum
  22. Get really adept at reading documentation. Realize that MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) has a ton of information about JS methods and properties that you never noticed.
  23. Learn about other DOM prototypal objects including Set and Generators
  24. Read up on the newest EcmaScript version. Try out fat arrows and new variable declarations.
  25. Get mad at Microsoft for Ie and edge
  26. Learn about for of and for in loops.
  27. Get madder at microsoft
  28. Learn about object destructoring
  29. Become irate with Microsoft
  30. Learn about Babel and Transpiling. You may have used it with the build tools, but you probably didn't understand it
  31. Learn about React. Learn about Redux. Learn about data stores and state. Perhaps even delve into the mutation object.
  32. Keep falling down the rabbit hole and realize that however much you learn there will always be new trends in frameworks and architectures and best practices.

