Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Service-based-companies by Expert (113,040 points) | 3,139 views

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In this post , shared some of the best resources and strategy for incoming SE, SES, and PP interview and even for TCS Interview too.

SE → Software Engineer (3.6 LPA)
SES - > Software Engineer Specialist (5LPA)
PP → Power Programmer (8LPA)


This post is divided into 3 parts -

1 . Core CS Subjects

For all of three u have to prepare core cs subjects like CN , OS , DBMS , Computer Architecture Basics, OOPS , but how?

  • Resources for OOPS (c++ , Python , Java )

    This is very common they ask u on the basis of language u written in Resume.

    1. LINK1 2.1k [common]
    2. LINK2 1.2k[c++]
    3. LINK3 1.1k[ JAVA , (If u r sure then only write ) ]
    4. LINK4 1.2k[Python]





  • Resources for OS

    This subject is also important they ask very few questions (rarely to SE) but high chances for PP.

    1. Mutex VS Semaphores , Deadlock (Most common)
    2. LINK 925
    3. LINK 430
    4. LINK 344





  • Resources for Computer Architecture

    They ask very few questions for PP role (rarely for SE and SES )

    1. What are Flip-Flops?(Most common, may be asked for all)
    2. LINK 174
    3. Revise Cache memory , pipelining etc.



  • Resources for Software Engineering

    They ask at least a question from this.

    1. All software development models and cycles.
    2. LINK 695

2 . Coding / DSA

  • For SE

    For SE they ask very common questions.

    1. Prime Number , GCD
    2. Reverse a Number
    3. Reverse a string
    4. Bubble Sorting
    5. Reverse array
    6. Fibonacci
    7. Factorial of a number , and so on ( basically I gave u some rough idea)
  • For SES

    For SES they ask medium questions (included above too)

    1. Prime Number (Sieve)
    2. Pattern Printing
    3. Fibonacci (without recursion)
    4. Factorial (Without recursion)
    5. Max contiguous subarray sum
    6. Merge, Quick and Insertion Sort
    7. BFS / DFS
  • For PP

    For PP they ask some advanced question too (included above too)

    1. Revise all traversals ( Zigzag, In, pre , post , level etc)
    2. Sum of all subarray of an array
    3. Reverse linked list
    4. Find whether a loop in linked list
    5. Find whether there is a cycle in graph
    6. Implement AVL tree.
    7. Coin change problem.
    8. Heap Sort
    9. Graph coloring Problem
    10. shortest path in graph ( if u don’t know implementation just tell them thoery , Prim’s and Kruskal)
    11. Insertion and deletion in BST ( U have to write code)
    12. All views of the Binary search tree.
    13. Knapsack Problem
    14. Water Trapping Problem
    15. Inorder successor of given node in BST
    16. Next smallest Palindrome
    17. Array sum using recursion
    18. Matrix rotation 90 degree.

I gave you some basic idea and some questions they asked the previous year . (google all above)

For more search questions with Infosys tag at gfg.

  1. LINK 431 [ Info interview ques.]
  2. LINK 230 [GFG - Infosys experience and Questions]
  3. LINK 265 [ Leetcode Top Interrview Questions]

3 . Resume / Projects / HR questions

  • Common Tips for all -

    1. Prepare your project very well, If u do not have a project I would suggest preparing a small project in this time duration remaining.
    2. Prepare your resume, go through it, and write only those things which u really know.
    3. Prepare all basics HR questions, like , why we hire you? blah blah.
    4. If u r disagree at some point be polite, and be confident, don’t be arrogant, sad, overexcited … a smiley face is sufficient.



EDIT : After the guidelines of infosys regarding interview two topics also added -

  1. Artificial Intelligence [ LINK1 221 , LINK2 41 , LINK3 21 , LINK4 19 ]

  2. Web Development [ LINK1 287 , LINK2 80 , LINK3 48]

by Expert (113,040 points)