In this post , shared some of the best resources and strategy for incoming SE, SES, and PP interview and even for TCS Interview too.
SE → Software Engineer (3.6 LPA)
SES - > Software Engineer Specialist (5LPA)
PP → Power Programmer (8LPA)
This post is divided into 3 parts -
1 . Core CS Subjects
For all of three u have to prepare core cs subjects like CN , OS , DBMS , Computer Architecture Basics, OOPS , but how?
Resources for OOPS (c++ , Python , Java )
This is very common they ask u on the basis of language u written in Resume.
- LINK1 2.1k [common]
- LINK2 1.2k[c++]
- LINK3 1.1k[ JAVA , (If u r sure then only write ) ]
- LINK4 1.2k[Python]
Resources for DBMS / MySQL
This subject is very important they ask anything either very easy or in very deep so prepare well and especially SES and PP guys u have to be more careful.
- LINK1 1.9k
- LINK2 654
- LINK3 400
- LINK4 401
- LINK5 1.2k (Query questions , Very important)
If u have time then u can watch main topics of DBMS Sanchit_Jain_sir 882
2 . Coding / DSA
For SE
For SE they ask very common questions.
- Prime Number , GCD
- Reverse a Number
- Reverse a string
- Bubble Sorting
- Reverse array
- Fibonacci
- Factorial of a number , and so on ( basically I gave u some rough idea)
For SES they ask medium questions (included above too)
- Prime Number (Sieve)
- Pattern Printing
- Fibonacci (without recursion)
- Factorial (Without recursion)
- Max contiguous subarray sum
- Merge, Quick and Insertion Sort
For PP
For PP they ask some advanced question too (included above too)
- Revise all traversals ( Zigzag, In, pre , post , level etc)
- Sum of all subarray of an array
- Reverse linked list
- Find whether a loop in linked list
- Find whether there is a cycle in graph
- Implement AVL tree.
- Coin change problem.
- Heap Sort
- Graph coloring Problem
- shortest path in graph ( if u don’t know implementation just tell them thoery , Prim’s and Kruskal)
- Insertion and deletion in BST ( U have to write code)
- All views of the Binary search tree.
- Knapsack Problem
- Water Trapping Problem
- Inorder successor of given node in BST
- Next smallest Palindrome
- Array sum using recursion
- Matrix rotation 90 degree.
I gave you some basic idea and some questions they asked the previous year . (google all above)
For more search questions with Infosys tag at gfg.
- LINK 431 [ Info interview ques.]
- LINK 230 [GFG - Infosys experience and Questions]
- LINK 265 [ Leetcode Top Interrview Questions]
3 . Resume / Projects / HR questions
Common Tips for all -
- Prepare your project very well, If u do not have a project I would suggest preparing a small project in this time duration remaining.
- Prepare your resume, go through it, and write only those things which u really know.
- Prepare all basics HR questions, like , why we hire you? blah blah.
- If u r disagree at some point be polite, and be confident, don’t be arrogant, sad, overexcited … a smiley face is sufficient.
EDIT : After the guidelines of infosys regarding interview two topics also added -
Artificial Intelligence [ LINK1 221 , LINK2 41 , LINK3 21 , LINK4 19 ]
Web Development [ LINK1 287 , LINK2 80 , LINK3 48]