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For preparation and resources of interview of Infosys :-
in Interview-Experiences by Expert (138,250 points) | 9,559 views

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Interview Process

I was notified by Infosys regarding the InfyTq Upgrade Test exam timing and other details before the exam through the mail.

The First round was a simple HackerRank Exam for 3 Hours and we were given 3 questions to solve.

There were 3 rounds in Hack With Infy Test:-

  1. Round 1 – Online Contest
  2. Round 2 – Online Contest (level hard than the first round)
  3. Round 3– Grand Finale a 24-hour hackathon at Infosys Campus

Round 1 Coding Test

Out of the three questions, the first one was easy, the last two were of moderate-high Difficulty.

You should have good knowledge of Backtracking and Dynamic Programming to solve them. 

I remember some of the questions which were as follows: –

  • There was a cricket team where every day a player goes missing. Identify the missing players given the shirt numbers of the players for k days.
  • What Do you mean by Object-Relational DBMS?
  • What is Database Schema?
  • What is the difference between the foreign key and the reference key?

Round 2 Coding Test:

  • There were also 3 questions in the second round.
  • There were 2 roles based on the questions you have attempted. 
  1. Role 1: System Engineer Specialist
  2. Role 2: Power Programmer Role

Important Note: 

  • Candidates who solved more than 2 Questions were eligible for the Power Programmer Role.
  • I solved one and a half questions and later received a mail from Infosys that I was eligible for System Engineer Specialist Role Interview.

Round 3: 24 hours hackathon round

  • I appeared in the final round. I went to give a 24 hrs hackathon at the venue decided by Infosys.
  • The difficulty level of the paper was very high.

Luckily, I cleared the final round of Infosys Hack with Infy Drive and got a chance to appear for Infosys Interview.

Interview Round After Clearing all 3 rounds

I attended the final interview where I was asked questions mostly on my projects. Some of the questions are as follows:

  1. Explain About Your projects
  2. What are the requirements of your projects
  3. Explain about KNN(as I have mentioned Machine Learning in my resume)
  4. What do you know about java?
  5. How do you sort a linked list (Not By Swapping their values)
  6. Prime Number Program with low time complexity
  7. Explain about Incremental Model(Software Engineering)
  8. Explain about the Software Development Life Cycle?
  9. Why do you want to join Infosys?

and Other basic HR Questions.

I answered each and every question confidently, I was getting the feeling that I will be selected and finally that day arrived after around 1 week and I got the mail from the Infosys about my selection and I felt very nice and I was the happiest person at that time.


Note – This interview experience is based on the last year pattern of HackWithInfy. There is a change in pattern for 2022 graduates.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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The interview went quite good the interviewer started with DSA the first one was quite easy the gave some strings and asked me to sort them with respect to the length of the strings if two strings of same length occurs then sort them in lexicographical order and the next one was longest increasing subsequence .
As i am from non cse department he asked me what all the things I know related to  CSE i know only DBMS then he asked questions on that . Then he discussed with projects and it ended well .

Interviewer response was good, they asked whether I will be able to attend the trainings if they provide. 

Thanks and best of luck for your interview!

by Expert (34,270 points)
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I applied through Infytq site with hackwithinfy 

Round 1: This round held on 29th March 2020, In round 1 there were three questions means easy, medium, and high level, In this round I was able to solve only one question.

Round 2: This round held on 31st May, round 2 patterns were the same as round 1 but the level of questions was higher than the first round. I was able to solve two questions out of three and I cleared 2nd round, now I was able to sit in the interview.

Interview: Interview held after a long time because of covid-19, I got mail on 26th October  I would have an interview on 31st October.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself?

Me: Answered

Interviewer: Write a program to find the root value of any number up to two decimal places?

Me: Answered 

Interviewer: Show me your project?

Me: I have developed one web application, so I explained it live.

Interviewer: Make an Architecture diagram of your project?

Me: I could not understand  at that moment 




Interviewer: In which technical strength you are comfortable?


Interviewer: What is join?

Me: When we have to fetch a combined record from more than one table then we use the join keyword.

Interviewer: Write a query for left join?

Me: Answered

Interviewer: Do you know oops concepts?

Me: Yes sir

Interviewer: Tell me any three oops concepts?

Me: I explained Inheritance, Abstraction, and Encapsulation.

Interviewer: I am done, If you have any query then you can ask me?

Me: How much time I will have to join if I selected?

Interviewer: After completion of B. tech

Me: Thank you, sir.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys came to our campus for system engineer profile.

First Round

General Aptitude

  • 15 questions from reasoning ability
  • 10 from technical ability
  • 20 questions in 20 minutes from verbal ability
  • 5 pseudocode test questions in 10 minutes
  • 4 numerical Puzzle test of 4 questions in 10 minutes

The test was difficult because out of 300 only 40 get selected  




Second Round

My first question was tell me about yourself. I have mention two projects in my cv so there was some discussion on my project. Then recruiter asked me in which computer programming language I was comfortable. The third question was what is the difference between java and python. Next question was what is oops, explain oops concept with a real-world example. Then she asked what is the difference between data abstraction and data hiding. Then she asked some hr. questions like what are your other goals apart from career goals. And then interview lasted for about 15-20 minutes and then it got ended.

Though this was my fourth interview experience. I was able to clear it. They select 11 out of which 40 in which I was one of them.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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If you want to work in Infosys for System Engineer Specialist i.e SES role you have two ways one is clear HackWithInfy and another is InfyTq, you can go through any exam. I am selecting through the HackWithInfy, so HackwithInfy exam has 3 rounds each round has three questions, and the exam is taken on hackerrank Platform. Each round consists of 3 questions easy, medium, and hard level. if you’re able to solve 2 questions from rouns 1 you will go into the second round and based on our performance you will be shortlisted for Power Programmer or SES role. Questions are from DP, Trees, and Graphs. I have cleared these rounds and gets a preplacement interview offer for the SES roles. Now Let’s go through the interview.

Technical Interview:

My interview is scheduled at 2 PM but is started at 2:15, You should keep a passport photo or any government ID card for verification. After this verification he fetched my resume and asked me to introduce myself, Then he asked me a question on the frontend projects that I mentioned in my projects like 

  • Which technologies did you use to create your projects?
  • What are Implicit and Explicit Intents? (As I have mentioned one android project in resume)
  • Draw a UML diagram of user interaction with the database of your website?
  • What are the Fields You Used to Store the information of User?

After the questions from resume He asked me to open a notepad and write down the code for counting how many ‘a’ letters in Your college name. I have written that code then he asked some question related to that as follows:-

  • How you check whether your code is correct or not?
  • What if the string is null? What does your code return?
  • What are the exceptions?
  • What is inheritance?
  • Write down the Basic Code to explain multiple inheritances? (Between these he asked me What is access Specifiers and stops from writing code.

 Now he moves forward to DBMS Question asked What are primary key, What are joins, What is DBMS, What is the difference Between Database and DBMS.

Then he Asked behavioural questions like are you willing to relocate, future plans, What about higher Education.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys conducted HackWithInfy, a coding competition for engineering students graduating in the year 2022 across India. Only one Round of coding test was conducted this year in the month of May 2021.  Results came out in the month of June 2021 and I got an opportunity to appear for an interview for the Power Programmer role.

Interview Experience:-

  • We started with greeting each other and then he asked me to give my introduction.
  • Then he read my resume and asked questions about my branch (civil engineering), that why I want to join the IT field. 
  • What are the core subjects that I learnt in my B.Tech etc. 
  • Then he asked me about my internship experiences, about the project I worked on in my Internship. 
  • Then he asked me about the projects that I had mentioned in my resume, that what difficulties did I face while working on them, what technologies did I use etc. 
  • Then we went on to discuss Front-end vs Back-end and then about OOPS concepts and then about DSA. 

Points to Remember:-

  • Prepare a short and apt self-introduction.
  • Have a thorough knowledge of the projects you have mentioned in your resume.
  • Prepare at least basic DSA concepts and their implementations.
  • Go through the Interview experiences of others and prepare a list of coding questions and HR questions that they faced.
  • Read about the role and its responsibilities you’re being interviewed for.
  • Read about the company you’re being interviewed for.
  • At last, as everyone would say, stay confident and be honest, it’s just an interview.
by Expert (138,250 points)
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OnCampus Infosys Interview :- 

Round 1 (Online Test): Round 1 at Infosys is an online test that consists of 5 sections (Mathematics Ability, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Pseudocode, and Puzzles). The total duration of the test is 100 minutes. Each section of the test has specific time allocated to them and all questions of that section need to be completed in that specific period. There is no negative marking but you cannot navigate between the questions or sections. 

To clear this round, you need to clear the sectional cutoff for each section.

Round 2(Technical and HR Interview): This round comprised of both the technical and HR questions. 

The technical questions mainly include topics like OOPS(with their real-life examples), SDLC and its models,  basic knowledge of DBMS, pointers in C, C++, and a basic idea about data structures. They might also ask about the popular and trending technologies in 2020.




 Be prepared with some basic coding questions as well. Some of them are:

  1. Fibonacci series
  2. Factorial of a number
  3. GCD of a number
  4. Check if a number is prime or not

The HR questions are as follows :

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me about your project and internship experience.
  3. What are your hobbies?
  4. If required will you be able to work night shifts?
  5. Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
  6. Why do you want to join Infosys?


  1. Make sure you choose a quiet place for your interview with a good internet connection. 
  2. Focus on the way you present your projects.
  3. Be polite and confident.
  4. In case you do not know the answer be honest and admit your lack of familiarity, don’t dwell on what you don’t know.

All the best!!

by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys conducted HackWithInfy, a coding competition for 2022 engineering students graduating across India. Only one Round of coding tests was conducted this year in May 2021. The results came out in June 2021 and I had the opportunity to appear for a Power Programmer interview.

The interview was scheduled for July 22, 2021, at 9:00 AM and was a one-hour-long interview. 

The interview joined the meeting at 9:03 AM, then:

Interviewer:  Hi , {my_Name}

Me: Hello Sir.

Interviewer: Am I taking your name correctly?

Me: Yes Sir.

Interviewer: So ${myName}, the interview will be divided into two parts, first the coding round, followed by a technical discussion.

 Me: *nodding my head

Interviewer: There is a library, that sells books and gives a discount on the price……..

Me:  Sorry sir for interrupting. Can I write down the question ?? (I was not ready for  it, I thought based on all the interview experience I have readthe interview generally  starts with “introduce yourself” or “tell me  about your skillset”, etc..) 

Interviewer: Sure, share your screen and use any editor




Me: Shared my screen and used VSCode as my editor.

Interviewer: Continued with the question.  (The question was similar to Sliding Window Maximum (Maximum of all subarrays of size k) from GFG).

Me:  Thinking (once mentioned Heap while thinking) Asked few questions related to the problem, then again Thinking(for 5min). Then gave him the Brute Force Solution with time complexity O(n*k).

Interviewer:  Write the code and use any language of your choice.

Me: Wrote the code in Python.

Interviewer: Why did you disregard the heap idea?

Me: Gave him the reason.

Interviewer: Ok. Let us move to the second question.  Given a palindrome number find the next smallest palindrome.

Me: Told him my approach.

Interviewer: Gave some test cases.

 Me: Dry run my approach on those test cases.

Interviewer: Tell one of your projects and some difficulties that you have faced.

(the discussion went for 7 to 10 minutes)

Interviewer: Have you worked on any databases? 

Me: Yes sir. I have worked on NoSql databases (MongoDb).

Interviewer: Why NoSql?? Why not a traditional SQL database?

Me: Told him my requirement and how NoSql was solving my problem.

Interviewer: Give me some disadvantages of NoSql over SQL?

Me: Told him about the disadvantage (I have mention normalization in my answer)

Interviewer: As you have mentioned normalization. What is normalization? Can you explain with example?

Me: Gave him the definition. And Discussed all the steps with examples.

Interviewer: Do you know about OS?

Me: Yes Sir.

Interviewer: Oh you are a CSE student, you have Operating System in your academics. Am I right?

Me: Yes, Sir.

Interviewer: There are two processes (A and B). B is reading a file and process A wants to access the same file. How will OS handle this case?

Me: Told him about Semaphores

Interviewer: As you have mentioned NodeJs in your resume, tell me some technical differences between NodeJs and Java.

Me: (I have nothing related to Java in my resume nor do code in Java)  Mentioned about the NodeJs community, NPM. 

Interviewer: (Mentioned about the Java community and told me about Maven) Give me some technical differences.

Me: Mention to him how NodeJs does the async operation Javascript being single-threaded. Describe how the event loop works in detail.

Interviewer: As you know how NodeJs internally works. Can you give me the output of the code?

  • Javascript




let a = new Promise(resolve => {




a.then(_ => console.log(2));

Me: Again Thinking

Interviewer: Just say what you think then we will discuss.



(Again Thinking)

Interviewer: Run the code.

VS Code:


Me:  Ohh. The promise is not getting resolved.

Interview: Now give me the output for this.

  • Javascript

let a = new Promise(resolve => {


    setTimeout(() => {


    }, 3000);




a.then(_ => console.log(2));

Me: Thinking

2 (After 3sec)

Interviewer: Run the code

VS Code:

2 (After 3sec)

Interviewer: (Smile) Do you have any questions for me?

Me:  Asked for some feedback.

Interviewer: Gave the feedback. And told me it’s good to know the fundamentals and how things work.

(Followed by some other general discussion and some HR questions) then

Interviewer: Nice talking to you.

Me: Thank you for your time, sir.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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I got an interview opportunity for the role of Digital Specialist Engineer after clearing the first round (coding exam). The first round was held on 8th Aug 2021 and consisted of 3 questions- 1 Easy, 1 Medium(based on greedy), and 1 Hard(based on dynamic programming). I was able to solve one question completely in this round. My interview was scheduled for 31st Aug 2021. I was informed 6 days before, about the 40-minute interview.

Interviewer: Introduce Yourself.

Me: Answered.

Interviewer: He asked me to solve a coding question from Leetcode.

Time limit : 10 min

problem link:

Me: I solved it partially, he said that’s fine.

Interviewer: Asked about TensorFlow as I had it in my resume.

Me: Answered.

Interviewer:  Any questions for me?

Me: I asked about the primary responsibilities after joining the job and what kind of work we will be doing.

He answered.

Final Result: Selected for DSE role

by Expert (138,250 points)
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I was interviewed for the DSE role by Infosys in July 2021. I have been shortlisted from the Hackwithinfy exam which happened earlier this year. I was able to solve only a single question in hackwithinfy.

The interview went for about 12-13 minutes and there was only one interviewer. Both hr plus technical questions were asked. 

It started like this:

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Explain any one project that you have done. I explained it for about 2-3 minutes. No cross questions
  3. If you are given an array, remove duplicates from it. He only asked logic. I explained with HashSet.
  4. What is NoSQL? Why it’s called so?
  5. Explain runtime polymorphism.
  6. Left outer join vs right outer join
  7. What do you mean by normalization in the database? Why it is necessary. How many normal forms do you know?
  8. Explain 3-tier architecture.
  9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I was able to answer all the questions. Waiting for the result.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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I got a PPI interview opportunity for the role of Digital Specialist Engineer after clearing the first round of HackWithInfy 2021. The first round was held on 9th May 2021 and consisted of 3 questions- 1 Easy, 1 Medium, and 1 Hard. I solved one question completely and another question partially(I do not remember the exact test cases) in this round. My interview was scheduled for 5th July 2021. I was informed seven days before about the 40-minute interview.

Interview Questions:-

  • We started with greeting each other and then he asked me to give my introduction.
  • Asked me about the languages I am comfortable with(Java, Python)
  • Asked if I knew C++ and JavaScript (beginner)
  • Data types in Python
  • Difference between List and Tuple
  • How can we remove an element from a list
  • Types of Inheritance
  • What is encapsulation
  • What was I comfortable with Front-end or Back-end ( Front-end )

Asked me to write 3 programs

  1. swap two numbers without using temp variable
  2. swap two numbers using temp variable
  3. check if the string is a palindrome

After that

  • Asked me to write a query to update a table
  • Asked me about my projects
by Expert (138,250 points)
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I got a PPI interview opportunity for the role of Digital Specialist Engineer after clearing the first round of HackWithInfy 2021. The first round was held on 7th May, 2021 and consisted of 3 questions- 1 Easy, 1 Medium and 1 Hard. I was able to solve one question completely and passed 14% testcases of another question in this round. My interview was scheduled for 30th June, 2021. I was informed 4 days before, about the 40-minute interview.

Interviewer: Introduce Yourself.


Me: Answered.

Interviewer: He asked me about ReactJS since I had it in my resume.




Me: I told him what all I have done till now in ReactJS.

Interviewer: Then he asked me a puzzle which was to find the next number in this series: 80 10 70 15 60. He gave me 2 minutes for it.

Me: I wasn’t able to solve it. Though, the answer for the readers:  20

Interviewer: He asked me about a project from my Resume.

Me: Answered.

Interviewer: Suppose you have to create an E-Commerce website, what all authorization techniques and validation methods will you use for the Login System? How will you design it? I was given 3-4 minutes for it.

Me: I told him about the Google OAuth authorization and some validations for the password security. 

Interviewer: Tell me your favourite subjects from 1st Semester till now which you have studied.





Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Me: Answered.

Interviewer: What all sorting techniques do you know? Write the code for your favourite sorting technique. ( I had to open the IDE on my laptop for it).

Me: Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort. 

Interviewer: Write down the Fibonacci Series. 

Me: Answered.

Interviewer: If you have to choose between doing a job at Infosys or going for Higher Studies, what will you choose?

Me: Job at Infosys.

Interviewer: Any questions for me?

Me: I asked him about his experience at Infosys which he went on to answer for almost 5 minutes.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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I got info about HackWithInfy in the 3rd yr 6th semesters at end of 2019. So I’ve registered as soon as possible using my personal mail ID. There was a total of three rounds in it. I made sure before taking the test for every round I get used to the environment. They usually provide a test environment to get used to that interface. 

ROUND 1: I attended round 1 and there were 3 questions for 3 hours. I tried my best to solve most of the questions using arrays as I was well versed with them. This was not the case with many of my friends and I’ve even heard people say they got questions based on list and other data structure formats. I solved 2 and the 3rd with partial test cases passed.


  • 2nd question was a pattern-based question in which I used trial and error by giving my own input instead of the actual test cases and the advantage here was I can see the expected output for my input even though my output is wrong. With that, I figured out a pattern and formulated one equation to solve it.
  • Here’s one more Question set to practice for round 1:
  • Soon I was selected for 2nd round. 

ROUND 2: Almost all the process in 2nd round was same except that they won’t be showing any test cases. So in this, we are on our own. They didn’t show even how many test case passed.

  • Here’s the pattern for round 2:
  • Since I can’t see how many test passed I made sure that my code doesn’t have any bugs and ended up in compilation error. At least it runs. The questions were somewhat easy and I’ve tried all three questions and submitted the test in 2.5 hrs instead of utilizing the full 3 hours. I also made sure that long parameters are passed instead of int so the programs work for long integers.
  • With this, some days later I was told that I got selected for SES – System Engineer Specialist(Currently DSE – Digital Specialist Engineer) role from both the company and via the placement team from my college.
  • After a month-long break, the company presented a pre-placement talk in August 2020 and told the interview process will start in 10 days. 
  • They also gave a list of topics to prepare that they might be asking during the interview. After that I didn’t receive any mail for over a month. But meanwhile, during this, I used to ask a lot of interview experience to those people and try to prepare the hr questions they ask to them. To get a clear view, has an AI-based tool that provides answers for most of the HR Questions and we just have to feed in profile details. Else you can prepare on your own scripted versions too.

ROUND 3(Technical + HR Interview): Around September 17th-18th I got a mail saying the interview is on the 25th. And I started panicking day by day as the time got reduced.




  • I also started revising back the core subjects. I asked for more interview experiences especially on technical questions and I also had a mock interview with my known senior who works in Microsoft and arranged one of his colleagues in the same company to act as HR. They both acted as HR for the mock interview and it helped me a bit to calm down and to focus on where I lag.
  • The following next day on 25th the interview was scheduled on 12 pm. I made sure I was in formals and groomed well and smiling.
  • I waited till 12:30 and the link didn’t work so I started mailing to the support team and asking another telegram group where all the interview selects were there from all over India. Finally, I contacted my placement cell and they contacted HR and told me that it was postponed and they will contact me. Soon I got a call from HR saying my interview is rescheduled for 4 pm. So I attended that. Since this is my first interview I was nervous on one side.

The interview process went this way.

  1. Tell me about yourself. Replied. Highlighted few points from the resume.
  2. Tell me about my internship project. Answered. Before I completed answering he interrupted me and went for the next questions. Also he didn’t ask anything about projects since he asked about internship.
  3. Data Structures-based questions. (Since I mentioned in my resume) no coding was asked but the basic theory concepts on what is Data structures? why it is used? where it is used and types and their definitions,  etc., I guess he was not satisfied with my answer since he last told me that “I think your area of interest is not Data structures but it might be your fav. Subject what you are saying is inside the content of the book, if it is your area of interest you might have researched more into it …”. I started losing the hope from here on.
  4. He also asked me questions about cloud computing. I mentioned this in my resume and I didn’t prepare well for it. But managed to answer somehow. If I don’t know any I mentioned I don’t know to him frankly.
  5. Few HR-based questions. Will I be going abroad? Answered saying doing recognized certifications (Eg: Cisco, Microsoft certifications) is better than doing an abroad course.
  6. Will I be quitting anytime in the future? Answered.
  7. Why am I a good team leader? Answered.
  8. Surprisingly he asked whether I was aware of current affairs and asked me to explain the situation about the farmer’s bill dispute and where do I stand. I answered. I also mentioned him the points only I was aware of and told him honestly I don’t know what exactly the 3 bills are. But gave an overview of it.
  9. Then he asked me, do I have any questions for him.
  10. I was already prepared with few questions for him. One was about the company co-founder’s comment. “Mr. Narayana moorthy the co-founder of the Infosys gave a statement 2 days back that work from home isn’t effective. What do you think of that? And how was experience and will you be preferring it?” He answered.

The interview got over. He said to wrap it up. I was kind of surprised the interview got over in 20-23 mins. Also he didn’t ask me any coding-based questions or java questions.

As per the experiences I got from the telegram group, most students said it took approximately a Minimum of 40 mins to complete the interview and most of the interviews got a coding questions. I regretted after the interview that I should have asked “why he didn’t ask me any coding questions?”.

12 days later I got the result from the college placement cell saying I got selected for the same role.

There is a total of three roles Power programmer(currently Specialist Programmer) role, SES role, and SE role. Those who did well in round 2 got selected for the power programmer interview. Those who didn’t qualify for PP role might be offered SES role or SE role. The same goes for me too, i got selected for SES role but if I haven’t done well i might have been pushed to SE role or not offered.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys conducted its annual off-campus hiring fest named HackWithInfy 2021 in June-Aug 2021 for Engineering graduates passing out in the year 2022.

Round 1 was a coding test for all the registered students comprising of 3 medium to hard level questions.


Based on the performance of round 1, candidates were shortlisted for PPI (Pre Placement Interview) for profiles of :

  1. Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE)
  2. Power Programmer (PP)

The results for round 1 usually take around a month to be disclosed, post which all the candidates clearing the cut-off to get a confirmation email regarding interview registration on the portal.




  • I was shortlisted for a PPI opportunity for the DSE role.
  • Round 2 was a technical interview conducted virtually by a highly experienced interviewer from Infosys itself.
  • The interview tested the coding acumen and basic knowledge of core subjects like DBMS and OOPs.

Below are the questions I was asked during the interview process.

  • Introduction.
    • Asked which language I am comfortable with.
  • Basic coding question:
    • Given a number n:
      • Add the number and its reverse to generate a sum.
      • Check if the sum is a Palindrome. If not, then reverse the sum and add it to the sum to generate a new sum.
      • Repeat until you get a palindrome number.
        • Example : Input – 12, Output – 33. (Solved using recursion)
  • Questions on OOPs:
    • What are inheritance and its types?
    • What is polymorphism and its types?
    • What are access specifiers? Explain all of them.
  • Questions on DBMS:
    • What is left outer join?
    • What is a referential integrity constraint?

A few of my friends were also asked about the projects that they have worked upon and related technical questions on the tech stacks they used.

Overall tips for Interviews:

  • Basic preparation for a week is sufficient to clear the round easily.
  • Expect follow-up questions on whatever you explain. So don’t use any term which you are not familiar with.


After the interviews, it usually takes around a month again for them to roll out the results. 

I was selected for the role of DSE, although several candidates from my university who were interviewed for the DSE profile were allotted the role of Systems Engineer based upon their interview performance.

It is a great opportunity for students to get placed in their 3rd year itself to relieve any sort of placement stress or pressure.

I think everyone should give this a shot.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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I got a PPI interview opportunity for the role of Digital Specialist Engineer after clearing the first round of HackWithInfy 2021. The first round was held on 9th May 2021 and consisted of 3 questions- 1 Easy, 1 Medium and 1 Hard. I solved one question completely and another question partially(I do not remember the exact test cases) in this round. My interview was scheduled for 17th July 2021. I was informed seven days before about the 40-minute interview.

The Interviewer joined the room and firstly introduced himself. Then :


Interviewer: Introduce Yourself.

Me: Told my name, college name, hometown, college location, the fact that I had to relocate there for study purposes, my stream, my technical field of interest.




Interviewer: Great. Let me think which code to give. Okay, write the code to input 2 strings and check if they are anagrams or not. You have 10 mins.

Me: Did in a couple of minutes. He checked with 3 examples and it was alright. Here is the code: (My choice of language is Python. Also he had no issues with it).

Interviewer: So you are in your 3rd year last sem. Do you know Computer Networks?

Me: No sir it was an elective subject in 5th sem. And so I chose Telecommunication Systems.

Interviewer: Alright. (Asked a couple of questions about my college syllabus as he also belongs to the same state). 

Interviewer: Do you know what is Double Linked List?

Me: Answered. Only the basic definition was fine.

Interviewer: Do you know SQL?




Me: No not exactly, but I know some basic concepts of DBMS.

Interviewer: Okay. By any chance do you know what is Normalization? 

Me: It is used to remove redundancies(i.e. repetitions) in data. Also I talked of the forms.

Interviewer: Tell about 3 NF.

Me: 2 NF – Transitional Dependencies

Interviewer: What is Transitional dependency?

Me: I tried but then I said “Okay I confess I don’t have a very clear understanding.”

He explained me and said No Issues you will learn about these at a later stage. Do research and try to know.

Me: Sure Sir.

Since I was from ECE he then asked me some questions from ECE.




Interviewer:  What is the need for modulation or demodulation?

Me: In case signal has to travel long distances, the original signal might get tampered. So we modulate it to ease the transmission process and retrieve it accurately at longer distances.

Interviewer: Right right. What are the types of modulation? Do you know?

Me: Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation. 

He asked me to explain what happens in each so I said in AM the amplitude or Voltage is varied while in FM the frequency or Time period is varied.

Interviewer: Yes right. By any chance do you remember Avalanche breakdown? And its significance?

Me: Yes it happens in case of reverse bias of PN junction diode. At a certain Voltage we get a huge current and the graph steeply goes down so it is used when we need a huge current.

Interviewer: Okay! Next question, what is a transistor?

Me: It is an electronic device with lots of uses and….

Before I could continue he asked, Tell me it is a 2 or 3-terminal device?

Me: 3. Base, Emitter & Collector.

Interviewer: Great great!! Okay that’s all. It was great talking to you. Do you have any questions for me?

Me: Based on this what are the points I should work on further for improvement?

He gave me an honest very brief reply concluding with, Practice makes a man Perfect.  And then he concluded wishing me a Thank you for your time. Have a great day ahead.

  • Overall, this was my 1st interview. And I must say the interviewer was very friendly. 
  • He literally asked me to call him by his name(though I didn’t  ). In fact he focused on the fact that one should remember what domain you are actually studying for the 4 years and just because you are thinking of getting into an IT job does NOT mean you should forget the basics of your subject. 
  • It was clear that they emphasize on the fact how much prompt and honest you are, how much efforts you are willing to put, and NOT on how much you already should know when you sit for the interview. Even they know that the knowledge can be gained by anyone at a later stage(he even said so!), what just matters is how much enthusiastic you are towards it. 
  • So I would rather suggest be honest. No harm in that. And show your willingness to try and learn. THAT’S THE KEY.

Thanks for reading. All the best for your interviews.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys is one of the major recruiters. HackWithInfy is a contest for all engineering students across India who are graduating in the year 2021. HackWithInfy 2020 is the third edition of the competition that contains three rounds. Round 1 and Round 2 are individual participation online tests and the final round is a team-based hackathon. I applied for the HackWithInfy contest through my college.

Round 1: Coding round held on the HackerRank platform. This round comprises 3 questions that vary in difficulty level. The time allotted to solve these questions is 3 hrs. I completely solved question-2 and partially solved question-1 and made it to the next round. Questions are mainly based on Problem Solving and Data Structures. Solving 1 or more questions can make you selected for round 2.


Round 2: Also, a coding round held on the HackerRank platform. It is similar to round 1 with the same pattern but the level of difficulty increases. Based on your performance you will be offered either System Engineer Specialist Role(SES) or Power Programmer Role(PP). I was able to solve 2 questions. Solving 1 and a half or more questions can make you selected for an interview. I got selected for the SES role interview.

Round 3: My interview was held online on the Infosys Meridian platform and last for around 1 hour. I was asked to show my college id before starting the interview. The interview then started with questions like self-introduction and asked how I was able to manage things in lockdown.




The Interviewer then asked me to write a code for the Fibonacci series in python. I gave the Brute force and DP approach. You can implement the solution by referring to the following link.

Then he asked to explain projects which I worked on. The basic idea behind the project, inspiration, technologies used, and told in-depth about every project mentioned in my resume. And then he asked some questions on my projects like operations performed on a database, applications of the project, and how unique is my project from already existed projects. He then asked me about the academic subjects that I’m interested in. And I replied Java and OS. Then he had gone through my achievements sections and asked about them.

Finally, he asked if I had any questions. And I asked him about his experience in Infosys then answered for about 5-10 mins explaining everything. After, the interview was completed.

Infosys mailed results to our TPO after a week, and I was selected

I would like to thank GeeksforGeeks for helping me in cracking this interview. My interview was mostly based on my resume. The interviewer focused mainly on the projects and skills mentioned in the resume. If you had done any project and have good programming knowledge then you can easily crack this interview. All the best.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys conducts its off-campus hiring fest through Infytq and Hackwithinfy. This year Hackwithinfy consisted of two rounds. The first round was held in May. In my case, the exam date was 9th May 2021. The second round is the Grand Finale.

Round 1 was a coding test for all the registered students comprising of 3 easy to hard level questions. There were questions from dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and basic problem-solving.


Based on the performance of round 1, candidates were shortlisted for PPI (Pre Placement Interview) for profiles of :

  1. Digital Specialist Engineer (DSE) 
  2. Power Programmer (PP) 

The result of round 1 was disclosed in the month of June. 




  • To all the qualified candidates Infosys sent out mail stating that he/she has received a PPI for this role, the details will be shared later. Usually, if you solved more than 1 question the chances are that you will be called for an interview. In my case, I solved one question and 50% of test cases of another question. For simplification let’s say I solved 1.5 questions. Owing to that, I received an interview call for the DSE role in the month of June 2021.
  • My interview was scheduled for 7th July 2021 from 1 PM in the afternoon. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the interview was in online mode. I joined 15 mins early. The interviewer joined in around 1:03 PM. Now here I would like to state that the candidate who is facing the interview must be patient. Please wait if the interviewer is not present at the scheduled time. Just wait for around 30 mins and if there is still no communication just write an email to the HR point of contact. Don’t freak out!

Given below are my experiences and how the interview went. 

Introduction: The interviewer was an experienced professional from Infosys itself. 

  • He first introduced himself and asked me to tell him something about myself.
  • I gave a brief introduction about myself in around 2 mins stating my background, my schooling, family details, hobbies, and of course about my academics. I was from Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) background and so was the interviewer.

Tips:  Here I would like to say that this is the most important question of the interview. Don’t fumble around and be honest. Don’t mug up some answers and tell. This is the point where you have to explain the 20-22 years of your life in 2-3 minutes. Make it crisp and don’t make it too long. Make sure to include the following points – 

  • Mention your name, college education, college name, and the course you are enrolled in.
  • Tell about your native place and your family background like what your parents do and how you get motivated by them.
  • Your schooling.
  • Any extra-curricular activities, be it sports, music, etc. Again just don’t lie in this part as you may expect questions from this part.
  • Hobbies

Projects: Infosys really stresses your project. Make sure to prepare it well. You can expect a good 15-20 mins discussion on the same. In my case, the interviewer was really impressed by our project and asked many questions regarding the same. 

Subject of Interest: This part may vary from stream to stream and also on what you have written on your resume. 

  • In my case, since I was from one of the circuit branches and so was the interviewer.
  • he asked me basic questions from Digital Electronics such as what are XOR and XNOR gates, what is its importance, combinational circuits, etc., Control System and all. Just be clear with the basics and you will be all good.

Coding Part: The interviewer asked me to open an editor of my choice and told me to write two basic programs. 

  • Here they usually check your basics and not much since you have already qualified for a coding exam to get to this interview. I was asked to write all the numbers in a range which are multiples of both 2 and 5. Next, I was asked a question based on string comparison.
  • Here I would like to say that just be interactive. If you are not able to understand the logic just do not sit blank. Ask questions on the test cases, what could be the possible approaches, what you are thinking, and all.

HR questions: Once my technical parts were over I was asked some of the HR-related questions such as –

  1. Despite being from a non-CS/IT background what is your motivation in joining IT industry?
  2. Why Infosys?
  3. Suppose you are a team leader and you are assigned a task. How will you proceed?
  4. Show an example where you have shown leadership skills.
  5. If you are facing any problem, how will you tackle it?
  6. Any questions for me?

These are very common questions. Don’t mug up from any sources. Just give your honest opinion and you will be all good. 

This is how my interview went. I got a mail from college TPO on 5th August 2021 that I was selected for the DSE role. 


  • Have a good knowledge of data structures, different sorting algorithms, their time complexities, and comparisons. Go through your resume thoroughly.
  • Even if you are from non-CS/IT background you can expect questions from CS topics like DBMSOperating systemsSDLC, and all.
  • My interviewer was also from ECE background and thus I was asked questions from circuit branches topics. However, a friend of mine was asked questions on OS, DBMS, and all.
  • During the interview, my interviewer continuously supported me and was giving compliments like “good answer”. So don’t panic during the interview, just be yourself and honestly give your answers.

My preparation Sources: 

by Expert (138,250 points)
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The HackWithInfy consist of 3round

Round 1(Coding Round):


  • The Coding round was held on the HackerEarth  Coding platform on 30th March 2020. 
  • It comprises 3 questions with Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty levels of each. 
  • The time allotted to solve these questions is 3 hrs. 
  • I had solved 1 question completely and the rest 2 partially. So, I made it to the next round. 

Round 2(Coding Round): This Coding round was also held on the HackerEarth platform on 31st May 2020. 

  • It also comprises 3 questions but the level of the questions increases. 
  • In this round, we won’t able to see the number of test cases your code has passed while submitting. 
  • In my case, I got questions from Strings, PriorityQueue, and Graphs. Based on the performance one can be offered PPI for an SES or PP role. 
  • I had solved 2 questions and I got PPI for the SES role.

Round 3(Interview): My interview was held online on the Infosys Meridian platform and last for 1 hour. 




Interviewer: he introduced himself to me and he said that he has already gone through my resume. So, he asked me to tell him about the technologies that I know.

Me: Answered

Interviewer: explain any one of the technology.

Me: Answered

Interviewer: explain briefly about your projects.

Me: I had done 3 projects and I explained them.

Interviewer: asked me to explain one of my Android-based projects in detail

Me: Explained

Interviewer: asked me questions about that project.

Me: I answered all of them 

Interviewer: asked me about my favorite subjects 

Me: Data Structure and Algorithms

Interviewer: Another one?


Interviewer: asked Questions from DBMS like codd rules, Normalization, and Joins. 

Me: Answered all of them except one question (from codd rules).

Interviewer: are you good at programming

Me: yes sir




Interviewer: if I give you a question can you solve it

Me: yes sir

Interviewer: in which language

Me: Java or Python I am comfortable with any of them sir.

Interviewer: ok.

Interviewer: I will give you a logical question, just give me the approach I don’t need the answer. can you do that?

Me: yes sir

Interviewer: I bought 72 identical items. Each item had the same cost ‘X’, and the cost was Rs. _679_  what are the first and last digits? (you can find the problem directly on google).

Me: give him the approach. (even it is a simple problem I literally take 10min to solve this the interview was so nice and he is giving me hints, he was impressed by my approach and said that was a nice idea)( i gave him an approach that is not on google).

Interviewer: Any questions for me?




Me: asked him to share his experience with Infosys

Interviewer: he answered with different types of job roles he did in infosys.

Interviewer:  As per company policies I can’t tell you about your performance.

Me: Ok sir.

After 5 days I got a mail that I had selected for the SES role.

by Expert (138,250 points)
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The HackWithInfy consist of 3round

Round 1(Coding Round):


  • The Coding round was held on the HackerEarth  Coding platform on 30th March 2020. 
  • It comprises 3 questions with Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty levels of each. 
  • The time allotted to solve these questions is 3 hrs. 
  • I had solved 1 question completely and the rest 2 partially. So, I made it to the next round. 

Round 2(Coding Round): This Coding round was also held on the HackerEarth platform on 31st May 2020. 

  • It also comprises 3 questions but the level of the questions increases. 
  • In this round, we won’t able to see the number of test cases your code has passed while submitting. 
  • In my case, I got questions from Strings, PriorityQueue, and Graphs. Based on the performance one can be offered PPI for an SES or PP role. 
  • I had solved 2 questions and I got PPI for the SES role.

Round 3(Interview): My interview was held online on the Infosys Meridian platform and last for 1 hour. 




Interviewer: he introduced himself to me and he said that he has already gone through my resume. So, he asked me to tell him about the technologies that I know.

Me: Answered

Interviewer: explain any one of the technology.

Me: Answered

Interviewer: explain briefly about your projects.

Me: I had done 3 projects and I explained them.

Interviewer: asked me to explain one of my Android-based projects in detail

Me: Explained

Interviewer: asked me questions about that project.

Me: I answered all of them 

Interviewer: asked me about my favorite subjects 

Me: Data Structure and Algorithms

Interviewer: Another one?


Interviewer: asked Questions from DBMS like codd rules, Normalization, and Joins. 

Me: Answered all of them except one question (from codd rules).

Interviewer: are you good at programming

Me: yes sir




Interviewer: if I give you a question can you solve it

Me: yes sir

Interviewer: in which language

Me: Java or Python I am comfortable with any of them sir.

Interviewer: ok.

Interviewer: I will give you a logical question, just give me the approach I don’t need the answer. can you do that?

Me: yes sir

Interviewer: I bought 72 identical items. Each item had the same cost ‘X’, and the cost was Rs. _679_  what are the first and last digits? (you can find the problem directly on google).

Me: give him the approach. (even it is a simple problem I literally take 10min to solve this the interview was so nice and he is giving me hints, he was impressed by my approach and said that was a nice idea)( i gave him an approach that is not on google).

Interviewer: Any questions for me?




Me: asked him to share his experience with Infosys

Interviewer: he answered with different types of job roles he did in infosys.

Interviewer:  As per company policies I can’t tell you about your performance.

Me: Ok sir.

After 5 days I got a mail that I had selected for the SES role.

Tips for Interview:

by Expert (138,250 points)
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I applied through Infytq site with Hackwithinfy 

Interview: I got mail on 29th June I would have an interview on 24th July.


Interviewer: Tell me about yourself?

Me: Answered




Then he told me to share my screen for the coding part

Interviewer: Write a program to print Armstrong numbers between 0 to 999.

Me: Answered (You can find a solution here

Interviewer: Write a program for the fibonacci series.

Me: Answered (You can find a solution here)

Interviewer: Write a Program of Factorial by recursion.

Me: Answered (You can find a solution here)

Interviewer: Write a Program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not. 




Me: Answered (You can find a solution here)

Interviewer: Explain OOPS concepts and its pillers.

Me:  Answered (You can find a solution here)

Interviewer: Tell me About DBMS.

Me: Answered

Interviewer: Tell me OS and its type.

Me: Partially answered, didn’t know the types(You can find a solution here)

Interviewer: What is TCP IPv6?

Me: Not answered.

Interviewer: What Should be the functionalities of the login screen. (This question is asked because I mentioned few projects on frontend)

Me: Answered

Interviewer: I am done, If you have any queries then you can ask me?

Me: How is your experience with infosys?

Interviewer: Answered.

Me: Thank you, sir

I got confirmation mail on 10 Aug

by Expert (138,250 points)
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DATE – 13TH JULY 2021


I got a PPI offer for the DSE role from Infosys after clearing HackwithInfy round 1. Three questions were asked in round 1. I completed one question and was selected for this PPI. The questions asked in HackwithInfy were of medium to tough level and it is advised to keep practicing on online platforms such as Codechef, CodeForces, HackerRank, GeeksforGeeks, etc.

I am a B.Tech final year student from the Information Technology department. It was a 40-minute interview (I was informed ten days before for my interview).




Now coming to the interview

  • Introduce yourself.  
  • Now some puzzles were asked to test logical ability and critical thinking.
  • You are currently sitting in a room. You are provided with infinite 5 rupee coins. What measure would you take to count how many coins would fit in the room?  
  • My answer – I would follow the concept of area/volume to find out how many coins might fit in the room.
  • There is a room which has a bulb. It has 3 switches outside of which one is connected to the bulb and the rest two are false. By just entering once, how would you identify the correct switch?
  • My answer –
  • Why are manhole covers round-shaped?
  • Given two minutes, what is something that you can teach me?
  • There are two gates, one to hell and the other to heaven. Two gatekeepers, one for each gate. One of them always speaks the truth and the other always lies but you don’t know which one guards which gate. You are allowed only one question and you need to find out the gate to heaven. What is the question?
  • Answer –

Now comes the Core CS Subjects.

  • What is Encapsulation?
  • What Python is Object-Oriented Language?
  • What are tags in HTML?
  • Differences between HTML/CSS/JS .
  • What are the TCP/IP model and OSI model?
  • Differences between Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
  • What is Memory Management in Python?
  • Explain N-Tier Architecture.
  • Public/ private/protected access specifiers.
  • How will you explain the concept of a database to a 3-year-old kid?
  • I was also asked to code a multiplication table for 11. This wasn’t meant to test the coding abilities, rather it was meant to check the basic understanding of the candidate towards the programming language he/she uses. I was interrupted between every keyword I used and was asked to explain why I have used the same.
  • I was asked to share my screen and code on any editor of my choice. I used an online compiler for the same.
  • There were also questions based on my project. Be sure to revise your project thoroughly.
  • Final question.
  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • I asked about projects I might get to work on and further growth opportunities in Infosys.

Within 20 days results were shared with the TPO.


Links for Reference –

by Expert (138,250 points)
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This was a taxing 40 mins to 1 hour interview session with only one member in the panel.

Interviewer : OK, So Ashrith you are from Hyderabad?


Me: Yes Sir.

Interviewer : Ok so let’s get started with the questions. You have to be hurry in answering. So are you ready?




Me: Yes sir.

Interviewer : What is String Immutability?

Me: Explained

Interviewer : What is pickling and unpickling??

Me : Sorry Sir, I don’t know.

Interviewer : Write a code to demonstrate dynamic method dispatch.

Me : Did

Interviewer : What is an abstract class and how do you declare abstract method in Python?

Me : Told.

Interviewer : Can static, private, final methods be overridden?

Me : No sir. However overriding static methods won’t give any compile time error but the other 2 will.

Interviewer : Good. How are arguments passed by value or by reference?

Me : told.

Interviewer : So Ashrith, What is PYTHONPATH?

Me : It is an environment variable which is used when a module is imported.

Interviewer : What is static class?

Me : Told

Interviewer : In a List and in a Dictionary, What Are the Typical Characteristics of Elements?




Me : Told.

Interviewer : What do you mean by transparent DBMS?

Me : Did

Interviewer : What is static field. Give me its application

Me : Did

Interviewer :  What is 1 NF (Normal Form)?

Me : Explained

Interviewer : When can you override clone method of Object class.

Me : Sir only when that class implements Cloneable which is a tagging interface. And we should do that only when there will arise a problem of shallow copy.

Interviewer : What is an extensible framework?

Me : (Thinking…Thinking….).

Interviewer : Remember, if others answers this question, you will be gone!

Me : (Tensed)

Interviewer : OK, so tell me why Python is platform independent?

Me : Told

Interviewer : What if we have constructors in both Parent and Child Class?

Me : Use super() to execute parent class’ constructor and normally for child’s.

Interviewer : Do you know super and self?

Me : Yes sir and explained.

Interviewer : What is meant by query optimization?




Me : The phase that identifies an efficient execution plan for evaluating a query that has the least estimated cost is referred to as query optimization.

Interviewer : Wrong & What is meant by <> ?

Me : Told

Interviewer : OK, so explain to me the internal working of Hash-map in python.

Me : Explained him thoroughly using separate chaining method and using a bucket array. A lot of questions were asked from it as well.

Interviewer : Ok Ashrith now let me now test on your problem solving skills?

Interviewer : Explain me using generator to print the even numbers between 0 and n in comma separated form while n is input by console. Do it for me in the most efficient way. Just tell me the approach.

Me : Use yield to produce the next value in generator. In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input.

Interviewer : Good that will work. Over to the next question.

Define a function which can generate a dictionary where the keys are numbers between 1 and 20 (both included) and the values are square of keys. The function should just print the values only.

Me: Sir, Use dict[key]=value pattern to put entry into a dictionary.
Use ** operator to get power of a number.
Use range() for loops.
Use keys() to iterate keys in the dictionary. Also we can use item() to get key/value pairs.

Interviewer : How will u detect loop in a linked list?

Me : Will keep a boolean array and if i visit one loop will mark it as visited&hellip;.

Interviewer : (Interrupting me.) I don&rsquo;t want to waste extra space.

Me : Ok let me give another try sir&hellip;.

Interviewer : How about applying two pointers here?

Me : Okay Sir I got it. (Explained him my approach with two pointers).

Interviewer : Write an SQL query to Select all names that start with a given letter

Me : Wrote.

Interviewer : Okay so lets move on to puzzles. Do you like solving them?




Me : Yes sir.(though am not)

Interviewer : What is the maximum number of runs that a batsman can score in an ideal case ?

Me : 6 sir. (Actually am wrong)

Interviewer : OK Ashrith, I am done. Thanks for your time.

Me : Thank you Sir.

I think I missed few questions that were asked.I cleared the technical round and had another round (HR) which lasted for around 30 minutes. Then all of us were told that we have been shortlisted after having clearing written test. However they couldn&rsquo;t confirm us the offer as they have to visit other centers and will take total of 200 candidates from all over India.

It was an awesome experience and for the first time. Waiting for the results.
by Expert (138,250 points)
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Infosys conducted HackWithInfy, a coding competition for engineering students graduating in the year 2022 across India. Only one Round of coding competition was conducted this year in May 2021. Results came out in June 2021 and I got an opportunity to appear for an interview for the Digital Specialist Engineer Role.

Interview Question:


  • Interviewer: Introduced himself with his name and he had the experience of 10 years and asked me to introduce myself.
  • Me: I had said my self-intro
  • Interviewer: He said that let’s get to the point directly and asked me which programming language you are familiar with?
  • Me: I said that I’m familiar with Python
  • Interviewer: He asked me to take down a paper and asked me to write Palindrome code
  • Me: I had written and showed it the code
  • Interviewer: He asked me to write down the code for Bubble Sort
  • Me: I had done it too
  • Interviewer: He asked about DFS and BFS?
  • Me: I said the differences between them
  • Interviewer: He asked me are you familiar with SQL?
  • Me: Yes sir
  • Interviewer: He asked me a query regarding JOINS?
  • Me: I explained regarding JOINS
  • Interviewer: He had said a query and asked me the number of columns would fetch?
  • Me: I said 0
  • Interviewer: Again he asked the same question
  • Me: I said 2 this time
  • Interviewer: He said 1 and said that we are done. Any questions do you have?
  • Me: I asked regarding how is the work culture?
  • Interviewer: He said that the working hours are flexible and the work culture is also good. Any other questions?
  • Me: No sir, That’s it. Thank you

No HR questions are asked. This is a Virtual Interview. I was selected for Software Engineer Role in Infosys.


  • It is important to make a good resume that most of the questions are asked from the resume only. So, the resume should be well prepared.
  • If it is a virtual interview, just look into the cam while saying. So, that the interviewer can know that you are confident.
  • If you don’t know the answer, just said it directly without any hesitation. I don’t know this concept, I will revise it sirMaintain a smile on your face. Be confident, Be Cool!
by Expert (138,250 points)