Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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2 Answers

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You had better make sure you are good because Python is one of the languages most widely used now. Before you go for the interview find out as much as possible what the company/ organization does then try and solve some of their problems using Python. If they use some other language(s) then you had better find out what you can about these. There are plenty of resources: Google, cheap Amazon ebooks, etc. Even if you do this learn as much as you can about the organisation and have some questions of your own.
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There is no point in worrying about python being a good choice for coding interview. Your clarity of understanding the basics concepts of any programming language is very important. It doesn’t matter whether you code in C,C++,Java, etc. What matters is how strong are your basic concepts like Data Structures and Algorithms. The way you solve a problem and your approach is mainly seen. So work on it rather than worrying about the choice of Programming language.

Hope it helps

All d very best.