Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Service-based-companies by Expert (136,690 points)
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Previous year paper and solutions of TCS XPLore(in Java/Python) :

Questions asked on 26th Jan 2021 : List of coding questions asked on 26th Jan in TCS Xplore ? - Desi QnA 

Online Exam Paper pattern  :



Join this telegram group for getting all detials related to TCS-XPLORE :

SAMPLE DOCS TO BE UPLOADED IN BGC FORM : All sample documents to be uploaded in BGC form for tcs joining :


Currently,selected candidates have got the Tcs-xplore mail . Its basically a training program .


You have to give few of their tests .


If you get  more than 80% in their test ,  you will get 60,000 INR by TCS when joining TCS as incentives.  

There are two modes of the test :



You can select whatever test you want to opt for . The best score of all your tests is considered as the final score.


There are five options given to you by TCS. You can select one of them and then give that exam in TCS CPA/IRA. 

There are five different options one can take : 

1)JAVA :


3)DOT NET : 

4)MBU : 

5)ITIS :





are some of the common topics in most of these 5 options. 

So I hope , paper-pattern and syllabus is clear as of now. 

If you get good marks in the test, you get joining letter fast and also your location preference is given more weightage!!!

Hope it helps :-)

Note(s) :
To get more details about tcs xplore , join :


by Expert (136,690 points)
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TCS Xplore is an online learning platform developed by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for students who aspire to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of technology. The program offers a range of courses and certifications that cover various IT domains such as programming, data science, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more.


As of now, TCS Xplore 2022 has not been specifically released, so there is no detailed information available on the exact paper pattern or previous-year papers. However, based on previous years' patterns and trends, here is a general overview of the TCS recruitment process and the types of questions that are commonly asked:


Paper Pattern:

1. Online Test: The initial round of the TCS recruitment process is an online test. It usually consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and may cover various sections such as aptitude, logical reasoning, verbal ability, programming concepts, and technical knowledge.


2. Technical Interview: Candidates who clear the online test are usually called for a technical interview. The interview focuses on assessing the candidate's technical skills and knowledge in their respective domains. Questions may be related to programming languages, data structures, algorithms, etc.


3. HR Interview: Once the candidate clears the technical interview, they move on to the HR interview round. In this round, the interviewer assesses the candidate's communication skills, problem-solving ability, and overall suitability for the organization.


Previous-Year Papers and Solutions:

TCS does not officially release previous-year papers or solutions. However, there are several online platforms and forums where you can find sample papers and questions that are similar to what is asked in TCS recruitment exams. You can search for these resources online or visit popular job preparation websites.


To enhance your preparation, you can also consider referring to academic textbooks, online learning platforms, and practicing coding exercises. This will help you improve your technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for clearing the TCS recruitment process.


Remember that the recruitment process and patterns may vary each year, so it is advisable to refer to the official TCS website or any official communication regarding TCS Xplore 2022 for the most accurate and updated information.
by (190 points)
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Who is eligible for Menotring + DSA course ? 

->Anyone who wants to switch to SDE or related roles at top tech companies 

->Anyone who is a college student and wants to crack good oncampus/offcampus offers

->Anyone who is a college student/fresher  but still has no job offer in hand

->Anyone who has max experience of 3 years in the IT Industry 

About the Mentor : Kumar Karan . Linkedin Profile : 

Mentoring - Dm on whatsapp 8879355057 for enrolling

1)Big private session with me.

2)Few sessions of DSA + Dev + Job/Intern with another mentor and me.

Other female {mentor} : Tier-3 college ->
, MS , Goldman Sachs, Walmart offers cracked off campus..

-> Detailed discussion of your particular situation and sketching out a specific plan to get a job/intern and improve coding + DSA + dev + cs fundamentals in your particular case .

-> Will be added to a mentoring group where all code related help and referrals are provided by already placed students and make you follow the plan till you reach your goal.

-> Have to give the mentor an update on coding progress on a weekly basis.

-> Can connect to the mentor anytime via watsapp ..

-> All required guidance, knowledge and special private personal resources + videos will be given.

-> Personal roadmap resources for OA prep + DSA prep

-> Dm on watsapp with the name 8879355057 to start the program and give all details including college details,coding details, placement scenario, tier of college, final goal ,current DSA dev situation, etc. As mentor uses all these details to do thorough analysis of student to provide them the right guidance and roadmap to shape their prep .

-> Regular DSA + OA sessions happen everyday . Mon-Fri : 8pm , Sat - Sun : Not fixed timings . Recordings of all dsa topics are available for dsa + oa prep .

-> We give full guidance on all the projects to make with resources and steps so the resume becomes FAANG ready . 75+ students from tier-4 colleges and companies have been placed at 10+LPA companies by now.

-> If a person wants to enroll then the person is supposed to message me on Whatsapp with details .

-> Length of program and daily DS session: 12 months

-> If you are enrolling in the program you will have to stay disciplined. Students don't need to worry about college exams as mentoring sessions and daily sessions are taken according to students' schedule and recording of daily DS sessions is available. Same goes for working professionals.   Many people have doubts regarding the length which is 12 months. We try to complete the DSA plan of student in 2/3/4/5/6/8 MONTHS DEPENDING ON THEIR CURRENT SKILL LEVEL AND FINAL GOAL , but 12 months here means that the mentoring support - help and guidance (with daily coding session) will be there for 12 months as we personally invest in each student and want to get them selected. You matter to us.Also the mentoring is open for people studying in colleges or having max 3 years experience in IT industry , we have guided and helped students from various different levels of backgrounds and skills so you shouldn't worry as your guidance training and roadmap-plan will be dependent on your current situation and final goal . No 2 people get the same guidance.

Listen this audio :

-> 3050 INR per year
Payment to be done at UPI ID : gujarkhushi1@okhdfcbank
Thanks if you have already sent the details.

by Expert (136,690 points)
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by Expert (136,690 points)
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Thankyou for the answers !
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This is what happened in today's tcs xplore session :

(6th Jan,4pm,2021)

Post Offer Engagement (POE)
1. Xplore Program
Learning part prior to joining.

2. Campus Commune
Specific previleged access to a channel (Business Unit) which will be given within a week.
In the channel there will be various activities like quizzes, hackathon, ideathon etc.
Information will be gained, given by various tcs leaders.

The better you engage with tcs at this stage, the early the joining call will come. Those who don't engage get joining late.

Fresh Recruit Journey
1. Recruitment/NQT
2. TCS Xplore
3. Proctored Assessment
- Scores will decide when the onboarding will happen
4. Onboarding
5. TCS Xperience
- Post joining learning of 1 to 3 weeks

Xplore - Program Construct
4 modules

1. Know your TCS
2. Business Skills
3. Software Engineering & Operations
4. Software Foundation - Java/Python(Default), DotNet(Specific set of students only)

TCS Xplore Assessments

1. iON Proctored Assessment (iPA) - In iON Centers
2. Camera Proctored Assessment (CPA) - Conducted remotely

Both are equally considered for incentives.

First three attempts considered for incentives, but unlimited attempts for clearing the required score.

Extended the Incentive deadline to 30th of April, 2021

Xplore - New ways of learning
1. Bizskills learning
2. Ascend digital certificates
Around 30+ courses
3. Coding challenges - hackathon
4. BG Connects


Q1. Clarity about internships
We'll publish it in the Campus Commune platform and you can apply thereafter, we'll let you know.

Q2. Curriculum
Out of 4 modules, first 3 are generic and the last one is a choice b/n Java and Python.

Q3. About assessment on 26th Jan. Is it mandatory?
Assessments are planned on an ongoing basis. The first on-center iPA exam is planned on 26th. If you are completely prepared for the assessment you can go ahead, or you can wait for futher exams in Feb or later. It's not mandatory, but before 30th April you need to score well for incentives.
We'll have a minimum of two proctored assesments planned every month, either iPA or CPA.

Q4. Pattern of Assessment
We'll be updating a detailed document soon. It'll be a combination of MCQs and subjective questions.
Suggestion- Do more hands-on on every topic for more practical expertise.

Q5. How to select CPA?
2-3 weeks prior we'll float the survey for CPA and those who give response will be considered for that assesment.

Q6. Diff between Digital and Ninja?
Digital recruits have cleared more high level assesment and they are well prepared for advanced technology projects. Ninja hires can perform well on joining and participate in various activities to level up.

Q7. Do the 3 attempts need to be in sequence?
No, the first 3 attempts are the assessments you're taking as you're prepared and not the ones that TCS provides.
If you want to opt out of an assessment just drop an email to xplore support and your name will be taken out of that scheduled assessment.
But don't drop out of assessments unnecessarily as you might not get enough chances to give attempts before 30th April.

Q8. Is the course content needed to be completed 100 percent?
It is preferable but if it isn't getting completed 100 percent, you can write to us.
by Expert (136,690 points)