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You work as a consultant and have clients in cityA and cityB. On a given day,
say i, you can either
work in cityA and make Ai dollars or you can work in cityB and make Bi dollars. You can also spend
the day traveling between cityA and cityB in which case your earnings that day are 0.


Given Al,A2, ....An and B1, B2,....., Bn, return a schedule S of N days which maximizes your earnings,
You can start either in cityA or cityB.

You need to print the final maximum earning

Example1: A = [23, 4,5 ,101] B = [21,1,10, 100] The optimal schedule S here would be ->"ATBB"
Example 2:
A[25,10,15,10,70] B = [5,5,50,5,30] The optimal schedule S here would be-> "ATBTA"

Follow up :-> solve the problem for 3 cities A,B,C

All dollars are positive!
in Interview-Experiences by Expert (108,170 points)
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