Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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Service based startups - Startups which provide services to other startups.

Product based startups - Business Oriented startups which leverage tech to help them solve a business problem.

  • **Money** - Money is almost comparable to product based nowadays. They get 6–20L based on how good is the service based startup itself and for which they’re working for.
    It’s true that you’ll get more money when you go higher up the food chain but interestingly product based companies has high variability in salary distribution. IIT’ians will get more money since they also bring “image”.
  • Learning - Product based startups are good for business oriented knowledge. You’ll learn here how to identify a problem which affects a business and solve it using tech asap(I emphasize the word asap coz you might just enough time to learn the basics of the tech). If the product works then iterations are done otherwise it’s thrown out. Move on to next problem.
    In Service based startups you’ll be given a problem and you’ve explore the best way to solve it technically. Emphasis more towards technical challenge.
    Here is an example. At ibibo we used have meetings to see if we move filters on top right then how much does it affect on click rate and usabilty.
  • Hierarchy - First of all let me be very clear Flat hierarchy is managerial bullshit. I’ve seen flat hierarchy and my take from flat hierarchy there’s always has to be somebody coordinating the project execution. Otherwise your codebase will be a mess.
    I saw nine different types of coding standards in a single project because of flat hierarchy. A funny instance I remember was when we moved from Ember.js to React.js because some loud mouth wanted to move to React.js. Afterwards we’re left with a product in React.js which nobody knew and the loud mouth was leaving the company in 2 days. Thank you managers for Flat Hierarchy.
    The problem is freedom of raising opinions. That is solved with culture not with flat hierarchy. And let me tell you flat hierarchy is not a culture, it’s a method which solves different problems. For example let’s say you’ve a senior developer who’s a non-IITian with experience who is more than worthy of 15L and an IITian fresher who won’t even look at the company if salary < 15L. So how do you solve this ? You guessed it right flat hierarchy.
    But beside the point Service and Product based companies both have or don’t have hierarchy.
  • Work pressure - I would say work pressure is gauged by the company itself not the type of company. There are product and service based companies which have less work pressure and also more work pressure.
    For a service based startups it’s very wrong thinking that they always get bad work and less work pressure. When I was in a service based startup I used to code in work day, mentor and manage 2–3 people, and in evening had calls with clients. It was a crazy schedule. But as a developer it was very much fruitful.
  • Exposure - If you’re working for a startup you’ll get lots of exposure. The only difference can be in service based startups you’re exposure will be more in multiple technologies(Ruby on Rails, Python/Django) less in technical areas like ElasticSearch, deployment, optimization since startups go to service based startups in early stages, afterwards they make it in house.
  • Career - In startups don’t think about career. Just be focused on learning. Your career is simply your resume and at the end you’re a product who’s market value might increase or decrease over time. In today’s generation entrepreneurship and startups, career is a very misguided term.
  • Amenties - Again it depends on the company. Amazon is a good product company which is very frugal. You’ve to bring your own cup for drinking coffee, yes you heard it right.
    My previous service based startup organised cricket, T.T., badminton etc. They’d free Coke, Pepsi, Tropicana juice. We used to drink it so much that it became a substitute to water.
  • Switching - I was going through some comments when I saw this as a factor. Well here’s my take on this, let us first look at the problem. Let’s say if there’s Java and Y companies are using it then the candidate who knows it has a chance in Y companies. More this number more the candidate’s market value and switching capability.
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Always a product based.

I am working in one of the top MNC (Fortune 500) as a Senior Software Engineer. I joined this company in Sep, 2015. I was very happy as I was joining a product based company and one of the best in market in terms of employee satisfaction. Company offered me wealthy package (almost 100% hike on my previous package). On my joining I received some goodies like T-shirt, backpack, windcheater, headphones etc.

Everything was going smoothly and fantastic until one mail hit our inboxes. Mail was from our CEO. Our organisation was merging with another organisation (Service based). It means, they bought our company. Now we will be working for them under their brand name.

The new brand was also well known in market. We were very happy as we thought we are getting bigger and better. New company sent us mobile power bank as a welcome goodies. They distributed sweets and dry fruits on Diwali.

Everything looks good right? Now comes the climax. Slowly slowly our employee friendly policies started changing to employer&rsquo;s friendly policies. Leave en-cashment policy changed. Medi-claim policies changed. Office hour timings changed. Shift allowance cancelled. Cab services reduced and many more.

All these things can be managed as these things does not affect that much as much one thing does. Money! Hike and Bonus. As I joined in Sept last year, I did not get much hike thst year reasoning I served only three months and I agreed that time. But this year hike given to us was 5% and maximum 6%. That means in one and half year I got around 6% hike and bonus less than 100%.

What I dreamed and what I got? ;)

If any one working in product based company, please do let me know if you have a opening for Java.Just kidding!! :D :D Its not that bad over here.

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