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in Online Assessments by Expert (46,090 points) | 639 views

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Question1: Given an array A consisting of N integers, returns the maximum sum of two numbers whose digits add up to an equal sum. 
if there are not two numbers whose digits have an equal sum, the function should return -1.
Constraints: N is integer within the range [1, 200000]
each element of array A is an integer within the range [1, 1000000000]

A = [51, 71, 17, 42]
Output: 93
Explanation: There are two pairs of numbers whose digits add up to an equal sum: (51, 42) and (17, 71), The first pair sums up  to 93

A = [42, 33, 60]
Output: 102
Explanation: The digits of all numbers in A add up the same sum, and choosing to add 42 and 60 gives the result 102

A = [51, 32, 43]
Output: -1
Explanation: All numbers in A have digits that add up to different, unique sums
by Expert (46,090 points)
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public int MaximumSum(int[] A) {
        // write your code here
        Map<Integer, int[]> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int a : A) {
            int s = 0, tmp = a;
            while (tmp > 0) {
                s += tmp % 10;
                tmp /= 10;
            map.putIfAbsent(s, new int[2]);
            int[] nums = map.get(s);
            if (a > nums[0]) {
                nums[1] = nums[0];
                nums[0] = a;
            } else if (a > nums[1]) {
                nums[1] = a;
        int res = -1;
        for (int[] nums : map.values()) {
            if (nums[1] == 0) {
            res = Math.max(res, nums[0] + nums[1]);
        return res;


by Expert (46,090 points)