Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 1,252 views

1 Answer

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Round 1 : Online assessment (via HackerRank)


  1. Flatten nested linked list


Round 2: (60 mins)


  1. DP based question to find number of forests in matrix.
  2. You are given a sorted array of integers A and an integer K. You can take some portion of K and add it to any integer in A. You can repeat this process unitl K is exhausted.
    The final aim is to maximize the number of integers that are same in the array A.


Round 3: (60 mins)


  1. Phone keypad - Given a number print possible outcomes on a alpha-numeric keypad. Eg. 27 -> ap, aq, ar, as, bp, bq etc.
  3. Questions on internal working of hash map


Round 4: (60 mins)
Design a snake and ladder game.
Write a method to find minimum steps required to reach a position.


Round 5: (60 mins)


  1. Rearrange array in zig-zag fashion such that elements on both sides of every element is either smaller or larger than the element.
  2. Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of S which equals T.
    Eg. S = 'banana', T = 'ban'
    O/P: 3 [ban], [ba--n], [b--an]


Round 6: (45 mins)


  1. You are given a sorted array of integers A and an integer K. You can take some portion of K and add it to any integer in A. You can repeat this process unitl K is exhausted.
    The final aim is to maximize the number of integers that are same in the array A.
  2. Some java based questions on design patterns and garbage collection.


Round 7: (Hiring Manager - 30 mins)


  1. Discussion on projects that I had worked upon.
  2. Situational based questions to deal with a technical challenge. Steps taken and reasoning for those steps.


Result : Offer

by Expert (30,360 points)