Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points) | 732 views

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Recruiter reached out on LinkedIn and had a 30 minutes call. Phone Screen was scheduled in a month.


Status: 7 YoE in ML R&D roles
Current Position: ML R&D Engineer
Interviewed Position: Software Engineer, Machine Learning (Not sure about the level, but the recruider said this is a senior level position).
Date: October/22


Technical Screen (CoderPad):


45 minutes. Two Questions. First one is HARD and second one is MEDIUM.


Interviewer summarized about her role for about 30 seconds and we moved to the questions.


Q1: Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum - HARD
Q2: Shortest Path in a Binary MAtrix - MEDIUM, but no travelling across diagonal directions.


I've explained the solution to the first one, and the interviewer asked to code it after. About 15 minutes into the question, while I was coding the solution, the interviewr said "I am clear what you're going to code, let's move to the next question" and we moved to Q2. I only coded about 75% of the total solution.


For Q2, I only mentioned the brute force DFS approach. I received a hint like "you can change the elements of the matrix" but I could not figure it out. I had about 25 minutes for this question.


Finally, five minutes to ask my questoins.

by Expert (30,360 points)