Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (30,360 points)
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Found a post on linkedin for opening, applied without referral and resume that was not even updated because i had no hope lol, B.Tech ECE tier 3 2022 grad, did not even get OA for any FAANG company even after referrals, after about 2 months got a call that i have been shortlisted gave OA and in 2-3 days got a call that i have been shortlisted for interviews, recruiter was not ready to give time for prep, so scheduled interviews a day after, interviews consisted of 3 rounds 2 DSA (1 hour each, both on same day) and a managerial round (45 min, about 2-3 days after dsa rounds)


1st round:
Q1- Given you are starting at a point in matrix find the minimum number of jumps required to reach an end point if you can take k jumps at a time (can move in all 4 directions), explained using BFS interviewer went a bit deep, how does BFS ensure a shortest path etc, took a lot of time discussing so no code.
Q2- no code, but a lot of discussion and reasoning.
Q3- Given a stream of Integers, find if the number formed till now is divisible by x, for eg if we had 123 till now, recieved 4, number is now 1234, is 1234 divisible by x, interviewer informed i already did well on previous questions and that was all needed, this question is just for the sake of it, i knew this was some math based thing and i am bad at math, struggled a bit but solved it using mod, coded this one.
Overall great round, interviewer was very friendly, encouraged me to talk througout.


2nd round:
Both questions were some made up story kind of question that boiled down to finding the largest component in the given graph, coded both using DFS.
Again a great round.


3rd round:
Managerial round, only project discussion, again a very friendly interviewer, he made up some hypothecical situations in the projects and asked how would you handle and also went deep in why you did specific things in the project, why use a particular technology


Verdict: Offer


Got the call about 2 weeks after about offer.

by Expert (30,360 points)