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Example array : {0,1,1,1,-5,2,-4,89} .

Answer = -7 {-5,2,-4} is the subarray with least possible sum.


Rules :

1)Explanation of algorithm in your answer is a must .

2)Writing code is optional .

3)If code is written , make sure to you use format option from the editor .
in Algorithms and Problems by Expert (108,100 points) | 1,336 views

1 Answer

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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int minSubArraySum(int arr[], int n)

{ //arr -> integer array, n -> len(arr)

    int currMin, minimum;

    currMin = minimum = arr[0]; // initially current minimum and global minimum is the first element of array

    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)


        // compare previous sum and present element and assign minimum value to currMin

        currMin = min(arr[i], arr[i] + currMin);


        // compare minimum and currMin assign min of minimum and mcurrMin to minimum

        minimum = min(minimum, currMin);


    return minimum;
