Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in CTC (compensation details) by Expert (34,270 points)
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  • Education: B.E. (Computer) from Tier-3 College in India
  • Years of Experience: 3 (Total with 2 in Software Development)
  • Prior Experience: Investment Bank
  • Current CTC: 18LPA
  • Date of the Offer: July 2022
  • Company: Expedia Group
  • Title/Level: Software Development Engineer II
  • Location: Bengaluru
  • Salary: ₹28,00,000
  • Relocation/Signing Bonus: ₹4,00,000 (1st year) + ₹2,00,000 (2nd year)
  • Stock bonus: 25k USD (~₹20,60,000 over 4 years)
  • Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): ₹37,15,000 (1st year)
  • Benefits: Standard Expedia Benefits


My initial offer was less but I negotiated all 3 components (base, bonus & stocks) based on the compensation I saw here for SDE-II roles (big thanks to this community for the help!). Their initial offer will always be based on your current CTC but demand based on market standards and their offer range for similar roles. I had counter offers from small scale startups but I didn't have to show them for the negotiation because the interviews went well and they were keen on hiring.

by Expert (34,270 points)