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in Online Assessments by Expert (111,330 points) | 728 views

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  1. Convert Binary Numbers in Single Linked List to Number
  2. Count the number of Sundays for a given year
  3. Find circular primes less than n [Unsolved]
  4. Maximum length subsequence with difference between adjacent elements as either 0 or 1 [Unsolved]
  5. Determines whether or not n is a perfect number (The easiest one in this list)




  1. Convert Binary Numbers in Single Linked List to Number
var getNumber = function(binary) {
let num = + "";

while ( !== null) {
 binary =;
 //add the next element’s value onto the current binary 
 num +=;
let tmp = "";
num.split("").reverse().forEach((x,i) => {
number = BigInt(Math.pow(2, i) * x) + BigInt(tmp);
return tmp.toString();
  1. Count the number of Sundays for a given year
var sundays = 0;
    for (var month = 1; month<=12; month++) {
        if (new Date(year, month-1, 1).getDay() == 0) {
return sundays


by Expert (111,330 points)

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