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in Work Life Balance by Expert (34,270 points) | 1,287 views

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The work life balance at Goldman Sachs is terrible. Now I don’t mean that to denigrate the place. But best be aware of what you are getting into if you want to go and work there. You will be working 60–80 hrs per week and possibly even some weekends, will you be handsomely remunerated? YES. Will you be able to read stories to your kids/meet friends/go on dates/have a life…NO. Will you be eating breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks with your co-workers? YES. Also better get along with your colleagues/Boss as you will be spending so much time next to them, but don't mistakenly think this is a chance for an office affair, as you will be so busy meeting deadlines/fighting fires/working etc there is no time for romance.

This is the bargain you make choose wisely many have trodden down the yellow brick road only to find shattered marriages/unhappiness/stress/premature ageing/substance abuse at the end of it. My draws were full of pharmaceutical/herbal pills to keep my energy levels at a high enough level to not show any decline in performance, because remember the bottom 5% WILL get fired every few months. This is the secret of GS…survivorship bias, only the tough survive and prosper.
by Expert (34,270 points)