Q1. Consider a binary tree of N nodes ( 1 Root and N-1 descendants). Each node X is related to root node by a relation such as L,R,LL,LR ... and so on. where X is left (L) to Root, or right to Root (R), or left-left (LL) or left-rigth (LR) to root and so on. Write a program to find the sum of all magic parents in the tree.
Magic parents are those nodes whose one child is a factor of the other child. The nodes having only one child can never be Magic parents.
Constraints:- 3<=N<=100
Input format:
The first line of input contains an Integer, N,The number of nodes in the tree.
The second line of input contains an integer , Root, which is the root of the tree.
The next N-1 lines of input contains a String ,and an integer X , separeted by a single white space, where X is a node in tree and S is the relation between Root and X.
Sample Input
L 14
R 28
LL 7
LR 8
RR 14
Sample Output
Based on the input , the tree can be constructed as follows :-
In the above tree only Magic parent is 11 as its children are 14 and 28,where 14 is factor of 28.
Hence output is 11.