Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in CTC (compensation details) by Expert (46,090 points) | 1,187 views

1 Answer

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Education: B.Tech Tier 3 CSE/IT
Years of Experience: 0
Date of Offer: Febuary 2021
Company: Congizant Technology Solutions
Title/Level: Pragrammer Analyst
Gross Salary : 6,34,000 INR
Incentive: 22,500 INR
Benefits: 19,500 INR
Stock bonus: None
Bonus: No Bonus
Total CTC (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 6,76,000 INR


Internship of 3-6 months (Stipend : 12000 INR )



Total 6 questions were asked, learn medium problems based on arrays(2 question), dp(1), graph(1), sql(2, 1 basic type & 1 on based on nested query with using join)

by Expert (46,090 points)