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You are given two integers as input "N" and "M" .

You have to distribute "M" candies to "N" children such that each one of them gets atleast one candy after the distribution.

Also , each child should get equal number of candies.

Find maximum number of candies each child can get .

If its not possible to do so , print -1.

Input :

N = 2

M = 5

Output :

2 (You have 5 candies . You can distribute 2 candies to the first child and 2 candies to the second child(you will still be left with one candy and thats fine))

Link to original problem for submitting :
in Online Assessments by Expert (108,690 points)
edited by | 1,463 views

1 Answer

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C++ code solution : 

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll ; 

int main() {
    ll n,m ;
    cin>>n>>m ; 
    ll g = m/n ;
        g = -1;
    cout<<g ; 

    return 0;
by Expert (108,690 points)