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in Online Assessments by Expert (111,330 points) | 3,069 views

1 Answer

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Max has a special vanishing pencil that helps vanish line segments on X-axis. For example , if one line segment is from (1,0) to (4,0) and another one is from (3,0) to (7,0) , Max can touch his pencil on either (3,0) or (4,0) to vanish these two lines- so only 1 try is enough.


Input :
first line gives how many line segments
next line starting points of line segments
next line ending points of line segments


how many attempts to remove all the line segments/points


0 2 4 -8
4 5 6 -9


Expected Ouput


Explanation :


On putting the pencil on 4 , first three line segments will disappear. Remaining point -8,-9 will be removed in next trial.
by Expert (111,330 points)