Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (34,270 points) | 1,875 views

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3. Technical Round 1 [Face2Face (Virtual) ] [1 hour]:


DSA , OOPS , and JAVA Questions:



    Brief Introduction of myself .



    Given a map of < Name (String) , Age (Int) > , you have to delete all the names whose age is greater than 20 , without using extra map , you have to delete inplace.
    I tried this in both cpp and java , but in both I failed actually whenever we delete some value of map while iterating it will behave improperly.Learned something new after this round.



    OOPS Concepts like polymorphism , inheritance , real life examples.



    JAVA questions like Interface vs abstract class , collections etc.



    Print all the Special numbers in the range of [1 , 10^9].
    Special Number : A number is special if the difference of adjacent digit is 1.
    For Ex : 12 , 23 , 34 , 121 , 1232 . . . . .
    Solution -> 1) Brute Force 2) Use BFS



4. Technical Round 2 [Face2Face (Virtual) ] [1 hour]:


DSA , OOPS, and Project Questions:



    Brief Introduction of myself .


  • ( they will kill alternate , 1st will kill 2nd , 3rd will kill 4th ...)



    OOPS Concepts like polymorphism , inheritance , real life examples.



    Mostly Asked JAVA Interview questions.



    Asked about Design patterns , I told him I know names and few of them , never used practially.



    Asked about my project in Infosys.



Recruiter told me that your all rounds are very good , we will move to final round.


5. Hiring Manager [Face2Face (Virtual) ] [1 hour]:


DSA , Project ,and LP (Leadership Principles) Questions:


  • Brief Introduction of myself .
  • Asked about my project , and sadly it seems either I am not able to explain him properly or he didn't found my project/work that much intresting.


He : Tell me from last some months what extra you did , frankly speak becuase on work level I don't think you have enough experience .


Now I was like , God please please I am in 5th round and this is HM , please ye nikalwa do .


Me : DSA.


He : Ok , so now tell me which DS you know .


Me : Arrays , Stack , queues , heaps .


He : Or ?


Me : Graph , DSU(Disjoint Set-Union) , and Tries.


He : Oh great , what is this DSU please explain


Me : I explained , with proper diagram.


He : Ok but what is the practical use , or where we can use this DS and technique.


Me : Yes we can use in MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) , I gave an example , but wait actually he asked why the cost from A to B is not minimum , I am confused too actually he mixed up the MST with Dijkistra and whole discussion is going in this direction only , my motivation already goes down and after this question they asked me some general questions on LP.


Final Result : PayPal recruiter really ghosted me , I tried to contact with them for a month continously via mail and call , but there is no response .


After a month I got call from another recruiter for hiring but sadly they hire for 2021 batch , but I shared my above incident and requested please check some how result and she checked and confirmed I was Rejected in Hiring Manager (as expected) Round.

by Expert (34,270 points)