Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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All interview experiences GoldMan Sachs of  can be found using the tag "myntra_interview_experiences" in the search bar.

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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (34,270 points) | 1,412 views

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2. DSA Round [Face2Face (Virtual) ] [1 hour]:


DSA Questions:
He shared one google doc where I have to code , and question is written over there.



Experience : He explained me question with some test cases , after that I shared my thought process , I started with brute force , that I will try to traverse from each cell and find longest path , (in my mind I was thinking of optimized).
He said can we do better , I was like "kar to skte hai , kre kese"
Ok no worries let's do code then we will do further optimize.
I completed the brute force code , now he said can we optimize further like if we memoize the solution something like that ... I think for a while , and yes we can memoize obviously why traverse every time , if we can save some result and then use it , So I made some changes and he is satisfied)


After the round , I googled and found that I already solved this question , but not with this approach , but using topological sorting.



2. Hiring Manager Round [Face2Face (Virtual) ] [1 hour]:


DSA Question and HM


  • Brief Introduction of myself.
  • Disussion regarding my Infosys work.
  • Some general questions and discussions , why you want to join our company , what expectations you have from us . I asked about their project , experience , journey .
    : As you did so well in coding contests, how many questions did you solve on all the coding platforms.
    : I solved more than 3500+ questions.
    : So you must be a good programmer?
    : mmmm Yup, in my opinion.
    : Ok so which DS or algorithm do you find very challenging like stack, queue, heap, DP, Graph.
    : mmmmm, like challenging I find DP very challenging (yha me fas gya )
    : ok, so let's do the DP question, as you said you solved so many questions, so now I am interested to see how you approach this question.
    : I am like, hainnnnnn , like what, oh ok I will try ...
    : Ok so you have a boat having 2 rows and N seats in each row, find in how many ways "M" (men) and "W" (women) can be seated such that no two M are adjacent and in front of each other.
    : I am like are Bhagwan , this one is medium-hard, I tried to make first recursive then memoize it ( I was not sure whether it's perfect or not)
    : It looks fine, but can you make bottom-up DP.
    : I tried for a while but failed to make it in a proper manner. I said I am not able to make it.
    : No worries , I appreciate that you tried, I just want to know that are you able to handle it or not, bcz DSA rounds were already completed, so what are SOLID principles, and some other questions.


On that day, I learned a lesson, itna such bhi nhi bolna chahiye , nhi to kabhi kabhi aapke lag skte hai .


3. HR Round [Face2Face (Virtual) ] [15 min]:


  • Brief Introduction of myself.
  • Why Myntra.
  • So you are active CP programmer , I am like in HR round they will ask ? HAINNNN
    I replied yes , last 2 weeks ago I gave contest on CC , and last sunday on leetcode.
by Expert (34,270 points)