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What is Firebase?

So, where does Firebase fit into all of this? Firebase is a NoSQL database that stores data as simple JSON documents. We can, therefore, compare it to other document-oriented databases such as CouchDB (which also stores data as JSON) or MongoDB (which stores data in the BSON, which stands for binary JSON, format).

Learn Firebase here: Learn Firebase - Best Firebase tutorials |

Although Firebase is a database with a RESTful API, it's also a real-time database, which means that the data is synchronized between different clients and with the backend server almost instantaneously. This implies that if the underlying data is changed by one of the clients, it gets streamed in real time to every connected client; hence, all the other clients automatically get updates with the newest set of data (without anyone having to refresh these clients manually).

So, to summarize, Firebase is an API and a cloud service that gives us a real-time and scalable (NoSQL) backend. It has libraries for most server-side languages/frameworks such as Node.js, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, and Clojure. It has official libraries for Node.js and Java and unofficial third-party libraries for Python, Ruby, and PHP. It also has libraries for most of the leading client-side frameworks such as AngularJS, Backbone, Ember, React, and mobile platforms such as iOS and Android.

Firebase – Benefits and why to use?

Firebase offers us the following benefits:

  • It is a cloud service (a hosted solution), so there isn't any setup involved.
  • Data is stored as native JSON, so what you store is what you see (on the frontend, fetched through a REST API)—WYSIWYS.
  • Data is safe because Firebase requires 2048-bit SSL encryption for all data transfers.
  • Data is replicated and backed-up to multiple secure locations, so there are minimal chances of data loss.
  • When data changes, apps update instantly across devices.
  • Our apps can work offline—as soon as we get connectivity, the data is synchronized instantly.
  • Firebase gives us lightning fast data synchronization. So, combined with AngularJS, it gives us three-way data binding between HTML, JavaScript, and our backend (data).


With two-way data binding, whenever our (JavaScript) model changes, the view (HTML) updates itself and vice versa. But, with three-way data binding, even when the data in our database changes, our JavaScript model gets updated, and consequently, the view gets updated as well.


Resources : 

It depends on the technologies you are using. Do you want to build mobile apps, web apps? They have good documentation on how to get started with Firebase here Quickstart Guides - Firebase .
If you are into Firebase and Angular, you can start with this tutorial Page on (it's not up to date tho).
Tutsplus has a series Creating a Web App From Scratch Using AngularJS and Firebase - Tuts+ Code Tutorials
Airpair has a nice tutorial worth following Firebase Tutorial: Building a Realtime App with Firebase
Hope that helps you get started.

Firebase is easy to learn if someone can walk you through it. It’s a fairly intuitive platform. I recommend these resources:




by Expert (111,330 points)

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