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To get , your work life balance in the company you work at , featured on Desi QnA :
in Work Life Balance by Expert (111,330 points)
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COMPANY : Apisero

Country : India

Office Politics : Low

Number of days to work in a week from office : 0

Number of days to work in a week from home : 5

Number of leaves that you can take in a year  : Unlimited - as long as your manager approves it

How easy it is to take a leave? : Easy - moderate, depending upon the reason you provide

ROLE : Software Engineer

Years of Experience(Total) : Few month(s) 

Average number of hours needed to work on daily basis : 6

Maximum number of hours you had to work on a given day : 8 

Explain you work life balance in your own words : Great WLB for freshers. You're not expected to work like crazy right after joining. In my case I got to do some real work only after 6 months of joining, which includes internal certifications, assessments etc. Once you get into a serious project, work life is moderate I guess

How would you rate your work life balance on a scale of 1 to 10 : 8

Comparison with previous employer : NA

Name of previous employer : NA

by Expert (111,330 points)
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