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in Online Assessments by Expert (4,460 points) | 2,434 views

2 Answers

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Microsoft Online Assessment (OA) - Concatenated String Length with unique Characters

Given an Array A consisting of N Strings, calculate the length of the longest string S such that:

  • S is a concatenation of some of the Strings from A.
  • every letter in S is different.
  • N is [1..8]
  • A consists of lowercase English letters
  • Sum of length of strings in A does not exceed 100.

Example 1:

Input: ["co","dil","ity"]

Output: 5


String S could be codil, dilco, coity, ityco

Example 2:

Input: ["abc","kkk","def","csv"]

Output: 6


Strings S could be abcdef , defabc, defcsv , csvdef

Example 3:

Input: ["abc","ade","akl"]

Output: 0


impossible to concatenate as letters wont be unique.

by Expert (4,460 points)
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Microsoft Online Assessment (OA) - Max Inserts to Obtain String Without 3 Consecutive 'a'

Given a string S, returns the maximum number of letters a that can be inserted into S (including at the front and end of S) so that the resulting string doesn’t contain three consecutive letters a. If string S already contains the substring aaa, then your function should return -1.

Example 1:

Input: aabab



A string aabaabaa can be made

Example 2:

Input: dog

Output: 8


A string aadaaoaagaa can be made

Example 3:

Input: aa

Output: 0


No longer string can be made.

Example 4:

Input: baaaa

Output: -1


There is a substring aaa

by Expert (4,460 points)