In my case the journey was as follows.
1. Initially I started with Hackerrank to solve easy and medium problems. I feel Hackerrank is a really good site for noobies. Better to start with language challenges. Pickup any language of your choice and try to get 5 star in it, after that you can start solving some of the easy and medium problems.
2. As a next step, I started solving problems on Spoj. I downloaded their problem set and started solving them in my IDE. I solved around 130 problems, which really boosted my basics of Algorithms and Data structures.
3. After that I really never stick to any other sites, randomly kept on solving the problems from different sites such as CodeChef, InterviewBit, Leetcode, Geeks for Geeks. But I would really suggest to stick to CodeChef and CodeForces and do better in their contests. In my case I started a little bit later on CP, hence had to manage everything. But if you are doing good in few contests, it would really add some value to your resume ( when you are fresher).
One of the major problem, when you are a noobie is, it's easy to get frustrated and give up. No matter how genius you are, in the beginning you will definitely fail. Just keep on going and practice.
Never, ever, Give up.