Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Interview-Experiences by Expert (116,030 points) | 381 views

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Screening Round ( 1hr )
Question 1


Given a 2D matrix with 1’s and 0’s. It’s given that there are exactly 2 islands in the matrix ( 4 directionally connected ). Find the minimum number of 0’s to flip to 1’s inorder to have a single island in the matrix.


Solution- BFS from any of the islands to the second. Also suggest ways to reduce iterations by considering only the edge of islands. And also suggest to use bi-drectional BFS.


Round 1 ( 1hr )


Given a Terrain (2D - land and water) implement -


  • addLand(x, y): sets (x, y) to land
  • isLand(x, y): true if (x, y) is a land, false otherwise (water)
  • countIslands(): returns the number of unique islands


Round 2 ( 1hr )


Design Twitter like system. Implement below functionality -


  1. Post a tweet
  2. Like a tweet
  3. Dislike a tweet
  4. Get Top liked tweets for a user
  5. Follow a user
  6. Unfollow a user
  7. Generate news feed for a user ( consisting of user’s tweets + followee’s tweets in reverse time order)
by Expert (116,030 points)

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