Message on Whatsapp 8879355057 for DSA(OA + Interview) + Fullstack Dev Training + 1-1 Personalized Mentoring to get 10+LPA Job
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in Job Opportunities by Expert (134,010 points) | 1,375 views

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Kumar K sir student cracks 28 LPA SDE FullTime Offer from Zscaler today

The student was a DSA beginner and used to get feared while solving DSA ques but after learning from Kumar K he solved hard-level DSA questions of Zscaler ❤️

Join the course now


Kumar K student has cracked the 30LPA offer from Goldman Sachs:-

If you also want to train for high-paying jobs along with referral message on WhatsApp 8879355057.

To join our personalized 1-1 Mentoring + Daily Live Training Program for 2024! Message on WhatsApp 8879355057.


  • A total of 558 students cracked 10+LPA in the last 10 months! 

  • DSA (OA + Interview) with the highest quality daily Live Training + 800-hour course! 

  • Full-stack Development + LLD + HLD + CS Fundamentals!

  • 24*7 Doubt support 

  • 1-1 Mentoring + Linkedin + Resume Improvement Training + Offcampus Training + 300-400 ! 

  • 410 per month! (New Year offer)

  • Program detail

by Expert (134,010 points)

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