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Scientists at Harvard are working on an algorithm to create waves. An array can be represented as a wave if either of the following conditions is satisfied:


a1>a2 and a2 < a3 and a3 > a4 and so on.
a1< a2 and a2 > a3 and a3<a4 and so on.
where a[i] is the ith element of the array a.


Given an array arr of n integers, consisting of integers in the range 1 to m inclusive, or -1, find the number of ways to replace all the -1s in the array with an integer in the range 1 to m such that the resulting array can be represented as a wave. Since the answer can be large, compute it modulo 1000000000 + 7.




Suppose n=3, arr = [-1, 3, -1], m = 3


The possible ways to replace all -1s in the array such that the resulting array is a wave array are -


[1, 3, 2]
[1, 3, 1]
[2, 3, 1]
[2, 3, 2]
Hence, the answer is 4.


Function Description:


The function countWaves has the following parameters:


arr[n] : an array of n integers
m : an integer


3 <= n <= 2500
1 <= m <= 2500
arri = -1 or 1 <= arri <= m






n = 5
arr = [2, 3, 2, 1, -1]
m = 10

in Online Assessments by Expert (2,200 points)
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