XOR subsequences
Problem Description
You are given an array A, you have to create an array B which is a subsequence of A.
An array B is called valid if it satisfies both the conditions
- B[i] < B[i+1] where 1 <= i<|B|.
- bit_count( B[1] ^. ^ B[i-1] ^ B[i]) <= bit_count(B[i+1]) where 1 <= i < |B|.
Let X be the Bitwise XOR of all the elements in valid array B.
You need to find the number of different values of X that can be formed.
Note: bit_count(t) is the number of set bits present in the binary representation of t
Problem Constraints
1 <= IAl <= 10^5
1 <= A[i] <= 100
Input Format
The first argument is an integer array A
Output Format
Return an integer denoting the number of different values of X that can be formed