I am Master rated on codeforces.
My advice for dynamic-programming :
1) Always , try to think iteratively , find the answer for , say n=1,n=2,n=3,..... Now, slowly, but surely you will see a relation between these values .
2)Write that relation/formula on paper . Create few for loop(s) , to calculate value for dp[1],dp[2],dp[3].....and finally dp[n] should be the final answer for the question .
3)Enjoy and love the process of mastering dynamic-programming .
4)Think very deeply on dp-related problems before looking at a solution. This way your brain gets better and retains the most .
5) There are some standard dp-tricks(like 40-50 special tricks) . Memorize all those paradigms and tricks by heart like , for example : - a)Coin-change-problem , b)LCS , c)LIS , d)Edit-Distance , etc .
6)Solve many problems which are variations of standard problems . Memorize and understand all the required tricks.
7)Dp-Problems which you see in programming contests are nothing but variation of standard-dp-problems.
8)Practice and learn from :
iv)Best dp-tutorials : https://www.desiqna.in/44/best-tutorials-of-dynamic-programming-for-free
Hope it helps!