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in Online Assessments by Expert (34,270 points) | 1,338 views

1 Answer

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Given a string S of length N, Return the count of all the possible Unique Sub-Sequences of Length N-2, which can be derive from given string (each Sub-Sequences should have length = N-2).
String contains only number from 0 to 9.
As the result can be large return ans module (10^9) + 7.


sample test 1 -
input string : "15025"
output : 10
Explaination : All Unique Sub-Sequencesof length (5-2) 3 are - "025","525","505","502","125","105","155","125","150","102"


sample test case 2 :
input string : "781484"
output : 14


Constrains -
0 <= s[i] <= 9
2 <= N <= 100000

by Expert (34,270 points)