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in Online Assessments by Expert (46,090 points) | 739 views

1 Answer

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Design a data structure to give top 10 stocks from a stream of tuple at any point of time.
tuple (id, stock-price)
Basically, getTop10() should be returning a list of top 10 stocks having maximum value at any point of time.


For example,
Stream -->>(a, 10), (b,20), (c,30) (d, 40) (a, 30) (d,10)


getTop2() returns [{a,30}, (c,30)];
by Expert (46,090 points)
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This can be solved using min heap. Suppose we made a heap of K elements. Now new element is X. If X > top element of heap, remove top element and insert X in heap
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int main()
    vector<pair<char,int> > items = { {'a', 10}, {'b',20}, {'c',30}, {'d', 40}, {'a', 30},{'d',10} };
    set< pair<int,char> > s;
    map<char,int> mp;
    for(auto e:items)
            mp[e.first] = e.second;
            mp[e.first] = e.second;
    int k = 2;
    for(auto it=s.rbegin();it!=s.rend()&&k;it++)
    return 0;