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Find the minimum number of operations to reduce the given number to 1 [Dynamic-Programming-Set-4]

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Part-{4} : 

What have we learned so far?

1)We always create a dp - array of size 'n' .

2) dp[i] is the best answer for the given problem till index ‘i’ of the array.

3)dp[n] is the final answer!!!

4)We write the values of dp[1],dp[2],dp[3],.. by pure observation.(as its very easy to do!!)

5)We find a formula, example formula : dp[i]= 2*dp[i-1]+3*dp[i-2] , and apply this formula (run a for loop) to calculate further dp-values like dp[3],dp[4],….dp[n]…And then we are done!!

So let’s discuss a delicious problem today! We are given a number ‘x’, we want to reduce it to ‘1’ in minimum number of steps possible!!

At each step, we are allowed to :

1)Decrement the given number by ‘1’……..(i)

2)Decrement the given number by ‘2’ ………..(ii)

3)Divide the given number by ‘7’ only if it is divisible by ‘7’……..(iii)

So how do we solve this problem(find the minimum number of steps to reduce any given ‘x’ to ‘1’) ?

We chill and feel good about the precious life given to us by God, now we go back to the problem!

Check out the steps I taught above!!

---->1)First we create a dp-array of size ‘x’.

---->2)dp[i] is the best answer for any number ‘i’.In other words, dp[i]=minimum number of steps required to convert the number ‘i’ to 1.

----->3)We will find dp[1],dp[2],dp[3],dp[4],……..dp[x].

----->4)dp[x] is the final answer!!!!

So, tell me, what is the value of dp[1]???

How many steps does it take to reduce ‘1’ to ‘1’???? Answer : Zero.

Hence, dp[1]=0

Now, tell me, how many steps does it take to reduce ‘2’ to ‘1’???

Answer: It’s simple, 1 step is what it takes .(Just decrement 1 from ‘2’….refer(i) above!!)

Therefore, dp[2]=1.

Now, dp[3]?? 

1st way : 3 — ->2 — >1(Total-2-steps-taken!!)

2nd way : 3 — ->1(Only 1 step taken).

Hence dp[3]=minimum(1-step,2-steps)=1-step. 


1st way : 4 →2 →1.(Decrement by 2, then decrement by 1) 

2nd way : 4 →3 →2 — ->1(Decrement by “1” 3 times)

3rd way : 4 →3 — ->1(Decrement by 1, then decrement by 2)

Hence , dp[4]=2(2 steps).

Now, for dp[5], let’s use some other trick!!

We already know that 5 can be reduced to ‘3’ or ‘4’ in the first step(DECREMENT EITHER BY ‘1’ OR ‘2’).

Say, we reduce it to “3”. Now, we already know the best answer for “3”, which is dp[3]!!! 

Now ,the other choice is to reduce it to “4” in the first step itself. 

We already know the best answer for “4”, which is dp[4]!!

Eurekaa!! Eureka!! Eureka!!

Hence, dp[5]=1+dp[3] ….(Why +1 ?? Because it took “1” step to convert five to three) OR dp[5]=1+dp[4] , Henceforth,



So the formula is, dp[i]=minimum(dp[i-1]+1,dp[i-2]+1).

Let's now calculate , dp[14] for example .

dp[14]=minimum(dp[13]+1,dp[12]+1)….. BUT ARE we forgetting something???

Yes!!! “14” is divisible by “7”,

so we can apply the third operation, as well, we may divide it by “7” 14 →14/7 — ->2 — ->1(Took only-2-steps!)

Hence, dp[14]= dp[14/7]+1 is one of the choices,

So the final formula for any number divisible by “7” is : → dp[i]=minimum(dp[i-1]+1,dp[i-2]+1,dp[i/7]+ 1)…

See, dp is so lovely, I love it more than my girlfriend ❤ You should too :P

Some (C++) pseudo code:-

using namespace std ;

int mini(int a,int b,int c)
    return min(a,min(b,c)) ; 

int solve(int x)
    int dp[x+1]={0};
    int i = 3 ; 
            dp[i]=mini(dp[i-1]+1,dp[i-2]+1,dp[i/7]+ 1) ; 
            dp[i]=min(dp[i-1]+1,dp[i-2]+1) ; 
    return dp[x] ; 
int main()
    int x = 93 ; 
    cout<<"Minimum number of steps required to make the given number to 1"<<solve(x);
    return 0 ;


1) -by-performing-given-operations/

2) operations-required-to-reduce-n-to-1/


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